Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

Ethan squinted his eyes. "How do you know about that?" Desmond smiled, "I talk to Violet, and we heard about it from Alpha Caleb." Ethan didn't believe him, and it showed.

"I wouldn't know how things are going, they don't tell me, and so can't go visit them, bad legs, remember?" Desmond laughed softly. "I just thought taut they would tell you...keep you posted you know? I mean she was closer to you than she was to Caleb, right?"

Ethan didn't answer. Desmond took this moment to walk toward the window, so big yet it o lay made you want to leave. the view is torment, nice city though.

"Yup, you could tell just by the way she got so protective of you while you were unconscious, stayed by your side more than anyone else in that house." Desmond took a sideways glance at Ethan. "She always knew you were going to wake, even when it seemed impossible."

Ethan met Desmond's eyes. "Her hope brought you here, I know it did, but that poor little girl, what is her name? Angel, was moved all over the place just so she could be kept out of the serous situations. Sad really."

Ethan glared. "But as much as I hate to say it, you weren't suppose to wake." Desmond said in a low voice. His dark figure in the lighting made Ethan's heart quicken. "What?" He said softly.

The dark laughter made by the sudden stranger made Ethan begin to question who this "Desmond" really is.

"There are people out their that want you Mel and Ethan so I want you to be care full. You two are the only hybrids left and I don't want either of you to get hurt.''

Ethan felt sick.

"So, it seems to me that in the past week, you and Zaria have became...quite a pair." Melodi looked over to Ethan.

She kissed his cheek and said. "Don't worry, your still my baby, its just, I haven't seen her in so long, it was like I got a second chance, I didn't trust her at first, but now..." She trailed off.

Ethan's heart clenched.

"You see, Andrew got you really good when you walked in, I thought for sure you were dead, I mean with the silver, the basil and those wounds, you had to be."

Desmond walked toward Ethan. "But the real question was why didn't Melodi feel it? Why didn't her body contort in pain just as yours did?"

Ethan thought back to that night. least tried.

"I need you Ethan. Please." She whispered.

"I simply put basil with some other things, like a silver bat, and boom, you have lost connection to your sweet Melodi, which was good timing too, because she came in seconds later, to find your there, in a pile of blood, and unresponsive."

"Why are you telling me this? You obviously wanted me dead? What tell me how you tried?" Ethan was getting angry.

"Because I wanted to see your face when I tell you that Melodi is dead. Ut seems she couldn't handle the same beating you did, but she had to pay the price of her father mating with a wolf."

Ethan tried to keep calm.

But being in the room with a killer is't so easy.

"She was a mistake, an offspring that should've been a werewolf, and a werewolf only, her death was no on else's fault but her fathers."

Ethan wanted to strike, but everything in his body wouldn't be enough.

"I remember your parents too Ethan."

But Ethan was focusing on his body, and his thoughts.

"Know your enemy. What is he?"

Ethan looked, but his mind went blank.

"So Ethan, how should you tell them? The death of Melodi was all her fathers fault...and maybe even yours."

"I made a promise to someone, the day that I was sitting on the swings and I saw a little girl running around with her brothers, that I would protect an kept a watch on her

"I made a promise to love her even when I really wanted to strangle her, I made a promise that when the time was right.....she would meet me, and feel safe."

"I will not break my promise." Ethan whispered.

Melodi shifted closer to Ethan. "I really hope you don't, because I am going to have a lot of mistakes coming that I will need you to help with."

"It seems you have broken your promise." Desmond whispered.

Ethan growled, and for the first time since Melodi went missing, he felt his wolf, the vampire, and power of magic on his side.

And he found himself standing.

His wolf taking over.

Eyes going black.

Desmond's cocky smirk suddenly disappeared.

"I didn't break my promise."

Ethan took slow steps toward Desmond, who was cowering back.

"She is still alive." Ethan's wolf said in a low voice.

"How would you know?" Desmond questioned.

"I feel her, I hear her thoughts." Ethan's hands turned golden.

"You...are just a bad lier."

And with that...

Ethan reached for Desmond.


I did it guys!

I only have two more school days, and tomorrow is the award ceremony.

Just two more days and I will be all yours.

So...*coughs awkwardly*

How was the chapter?

Did I go to fast?

How do you feel about Mel?

Do you like food?

Anyway, love you all,

The Returned Mate (BWWM) |TO BE UNPUBLISHED AND EDITED OCTOBER 2016|Where stories live. Discover now