"That's what they asked", Martha clarifies, turning up the volume so they can hear the head coach better. Now everyone was fixated on the Ballon D'Or winner, something that surprisingly worried Erin the most.

"He said something about us, didn't he?", Erin mumbles anxiously, and reaches for Alexia's hand while listening, but the captain appears to be surprisingly relaxed.

"Just watch and listen", Martha hisses, and rewinds the last few seconds of the video, where Jonathan responds to the questions.

"All I see is an athlete who is extremely ambitious. Alexia Putellas represents her perfection in every training session so far", he replies proudly.

"But Jonathan, why did Alexia leave the stadium after the final whistle? Is there anything more important than standing up for the team after such a defeat? Alexia is the captain, after all", the reporter urges, and Jonathan is obviously struggling to find a proper response.

"Crap...", Erin sighs and squeezes her wife's hand, who is standing there, looking calm and relaxed, inhaling and exhaling slowly.

Why was Alexia so relaxed about this?

"What did he answer?", the brunette asks, leaning closer so she can see the trainer's reaction, as Jonathan awkwardly shifts in his seat.

"Well... um... the problem is that...", he stammers, causing Erin's heart to sink.

"Alright guys, I'm sure Alexia will tell you about it herself if she wants to. Maybe we should stick to questions regarding the players here or Jonathan for now, eh?", Mapi steps in quickly, taking the initiative, whereupon Jonathan breathes a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Mapi", Erin breathes as Martha puts her phone away, looking at the two of them critically.

"How is this going to work?", she asks in a serious tone.

"What do you mean? Last night Erin and I decided to make the move and...", Alexia frowns, her voice confident, but she is soon interrupted by Erin clearing her throat, catching her attention.

"Um, about that... can we talk for a minute, love? Martha... do you mind?", Erin interrupts, gesturing towards the door for the black-haired to give them a moment alone.

"Are you seriously kicking me out of my own therapy room?", Martha questions, but slides off the bench nevertheless, shaking her head as she heads for the door.

"I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you", Erin chuckles in response, whereupon the other therapist turns back to her from the door, hand already on the doorknob, an eyebrow raised.

"How are you planning to make it all up to me someday? This list is getting longer and longer... I might need another tattoo", Martha teases, before disappearing out the door.

Turning back to her wife, Erin is surprised to find Alexia looking at her with a puzzled expression, her head tilted to the side, awaiting an explanation.

"Do you not want to tell everyone?", Alexia asks quietly, crossing her arms in front of her chest considering this unexpected turn of events.

"Ale... I... It's not that I don't want to tell. I'm just... I'm just really, really scared", Erin confesses, her cheeks blushing as she reaches forward, bringing her cold hands up to rest on Alexia's strong shoulders.

"Scared? Why is that, Bonita?", the captain wonders.

Erin takes a deep breath and runs her fingertips along her wife's arms as her eyes wander up and down her body.

"You know... I'm really happy with the way things are right now. We are happy. You're healthy and you've finally made it back. I'm just worried that you're...", she begins, but then pauses, suddenly at a loss for words.

"That I'm... what?", Alexia breathes.

"I'm worried that all this pressure is going to destroy you... mentally. I saw it happen last night and I saw it when I met you. It took you so long to recover, and now that you're doing well, why would you take the risk of it all falling apart again?", Erin asks softly, her eyes meeting hazel ones as the captain needs a moment to process those words.

"Are you doubting me?", Alexia mumbles cautiously.

Erin's eyes widen.

"No! I would never. Don't you ever think something like that, Alexia! I just really care about you, that's all", Erin clarifies, hoping her words were persuasive enough, when she suddenly felt Alexia tremble beneath her touch, the captain taking a step back.

"A lot changed since recovering from my mental breakdown. You're here with me now. You're the one I come home to every day. It makes everything so much easier", Alexia explains, a gentle smile on her face as she lifts Erin up, placing her wife on top of Martha's therapy bench, quickly wedging herself between the blonde's legs.

"It's just... what if that's not enough?", Erin shrugs, apparently truly concerned about the issue. And honestly, Alexia couldn't even blame her.

"All I'm going to focus on from now on is my family, mainly relating to you. And my career, which means in terms of training and recovery. I'll organize my schedule better in the future. And I'm going to need more days off so I can spend time with you, as well. Because I can recover best when I'm with you", Alexia assures, leaning closer to Erin, resting her forehead against hers, shutting her eyes.

"What more can I do to prove you have nothing to worry about?", the captain whispers, resting her hands on Erin's thighs as the blonde pulls back, tucking a strand of hair behind Alexia's ear.

"You're taking more days off?", Erin questions the statement as a soft chuckle escapes her lips, while Alexia just shrugs with a small smile.

"Yeah, I think that'll help. You know... I can always recover with your help, Bonita", the athlete confirms with a mischievous grin, biting down on her lip after the words are spoken, her warm hands roaming up and down the blonde's thighs.

"Oh... I see. Someone's having dirty thoughts", Erin chuckles and wraps her arms around Alexia's neck, pulling her closer, their lips touching.

"Did I hear dirty? No sex in my room!", Martha suddenly warns from outside, banging against the door with her fist.

"Are you spying? Don't worry, Martha! Just one more minute!", Erin replies, resting her forehead back against Alexia's.

"I like the idea of you taking more time for yourself. You're going to need that now that you're back. And I think I'm going to need this, too. We won't be at home much", Erin whispers.

The only response she gets is a convinced nod.

"There's something I need to ask you, love", Erin breathes, not nervous, but not very confident either.

"Anything", the brunette replies softly.

"Can we... can we wait with telling everyone until I've told Austin? He doesn't deserve being the last to know, or being the one to find out in the news. I want to tell him in person", Erin explains.

Alexia nods in response, finally connecting their lips in a tender kiss, as Martha bursts into the room with a mischievous grin.

"Minute's up!", she announces as she approaches them and pulls Alexia away from her wife, causing Erin to burst out laughing.

"You're really ruining the mood", Alexia jokes dryly, taking Erin by the hand as she pulls her towards the door.

"What mood? You probably mean bad mood.... I have to deal with all the appointments by myself for the next two weeks, since our little blonde princess can't treat anyone with that sprain", Martha complains while washing her hands, expecting her first patient to arrive very soon.

"I'm really sorry, Martha. As soon as I can, I'll make sure to give 150 %. And until then... I'm looking forward to assisting the coaches with the athletic training", Erin smirks and then leads Alexia outside by resting a hand on her lower back.

"Well, I hope so... see you later", Martha chuckles.

Yes, Erin was excited for the next two weeks. And she was even more excited to catch up with her brother when they face each other at the semifinal.

Hopefully, everything would work out.


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