Chapter Three: All I Have is Questions

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"I don't know if you're a traitor, or just an idiot." Waller sneered, "Do you have any idea what you've done?"

"I did what I had to do to finish the mission." Flag defended, "We couldn't have beat Enchantress without y/n."

"Y/n was fine." Waller argued.

"She was hurt! She didn't deserve to be sent on that mission with broken ribs. She's still a person!"

"Not anymore." Waller snapped, "Thanks to you, she's surpassed human abilities."

"What does that mean?" Flag asked,

"It means you've got yourself a new mission Flag." Waller folded her arms, "Bring me y/n. Preferably alive. You created this problem. So you're going to solve it."

Waller signed her men, and they untied Flag. He stood up, rubbing his wrists, "What about June?"

"I've told you, we'll release her as soon as we're sure she's free from that witch. You're girlfriend was possessed by a powerful being from another universe. We can't just let her back into society without clearing her first." Waller said, "Now find y/n. Bring her back, and let's just forget about all of this."

"You said yourself that y/n has surpassed normal human abilities. You expect me to bring her in myself?" Flag asked,

"Not by yourself." Waller smirked, "You'll be assisted by an acquaintance of yours."


Your POV

I climb through the now familiar window, and into my usual chair. Deadshot doesn't even look up from the papers he's reading.

"I'm not patching you up." He says.

"Waller blew up my apartment." I reply cooly.

"Oh shit." Floyd finally looks up, "Harley's ok?"

"She's fine." I nod.

"What did you do?" Floyd asks, "Why is Waller after you?"

"I'm not sure yet." I say, "I think she knows about my healing abilities."


"Flag traced the call as soon as I made it." I explain.

"You told him about your powers?"

"Kind of. I didn't give him details. He's the only person who might have information about my... abilities."

"What does it have to do with him?"

"When we went on that mission he gave me an injection so that I would heal faster. I don't think he knew exactly what it was. He said it was for emergencies only, and that it was still in the trial phase." I recall.

"I know you're desperate for information, but you can't just call the people who want to lock you up." Floyd crosses his arms.

"There's something else."


"I was flying."

"Come again?" Floyd's eyes widen.

"I was flying." I repeat, "I mean... more like floating really. Cass and I were falling. We were about to hit the ground, but I just - I - don't know what happened, but I knew I couldn't let Cass die because of me. And then we were just floating there. We would have died, Floyd."

He stares at me. I'm sure if he thinks I'm crazy, or if he's just in shock at what I just said. Maybe a bit of both. Honestly, we've seen crazier things.

"I need information." I finish, "Is this a temporary thing? Is it permanent? Side effects? I have to figure this out before word gets out."

"Sounds like it's too late for that." Floyd frowns, "Besides, I can't help you. Waller's giving me some peace and quiet, and I'm not about to mess that up."

"I get it. I just needed somewhere to go. I'll be gone in the morning."

"Ok." Floyd gives in.

Something catches my eye in the hallway. A young face watches me suspiciously. I give a small smile. Floyd turns around to look at his daughter.

"Aren't you supposed to be in bed?" Floyd says,

She doesn't respond, and never takes her eyes off me as she backs away. She vanishes silently, and I feel a rare pang of guilt. I can tell she doesn't trust me. She's worried I'll get her dad in trouble, which is understandable.

Floyd turns back to me, "Don't mind her."

"She's growing up so fast." I note.

"Yeah...She's a good kid." Floyd returns to our former conversation, "So this serum... You don't know anything about it?"

"No." I sigh, "All I know is it had superman's blood."

"Who makes something like that?" Floyd says,

"I don't know. But I'm going to find out." I announce.

"What about Harley and Cass?"

"They can't know about this until I figure it out."

"Why not?"

"They could get hurt! The serum might mess with me, or Waller might go after them... I just need to do this alone." I conclude,
"Right... well you better do this fast then."

"I don't even know where to start." I run a hand through my messy hair.

"Start by taking a shower." Floyd jokes, "You smell like smoke."

I roll my eyes, but take his advice. His place is actually pretty nice. He's got one of those showers that takes forever to figure out how to turn on. Once I finally get it working, I take a minute and stand in the steam. I close my eyes and steady my breathing. It's quiet moments like this, when the adrenaline wears off that the fear settles in, and I really have to focus to make my brain shut up. Breathe in -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - Hold - 1 2 3 4 - Breathe out. I repeat the process a few times, until I can close my eyes without seeing Harley and Cass engulfed in flames.

I take my time washing the ashes off, as well as the blood. My cuts were all healed of course, but I was still covered in dried blood from the falling glass. Sometimes seeing my own skin clean is strange. I used to be constantly covered in bruises and fresh blood before I got these powers.

A drop of red splashes against the tiles at my feet. I squinted at it. I thought I cleaned up pretty well, but apparently not. Something warm trickled onto my lip, and I taste iron. I put my hand up to my mouth, then look at it. Blood. Flowing blood. I got out of the shower and dried off. I leaned into the mirror. Sure enough, fresh blood drips from my nose. I don't think anything of it, considering I had a very close encounter with death earlier. Besides, whatever this is will just heal up. I finish drying off, and put my clothes back on. Some of the edges are burned, and they still smell smoky, but they'll do for now.

Like I predicted, my nose stops bleeding. I crash on Floyd's couch, resolving in the morning I would go get some clean clothes.   

Author's Note: The other chapter, as promised. I can't wait for next week's chapter though, when things get good.

Get Out Of Gotham / Harley Quinn x Reader / Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now