Chapter Four

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A night had passed and because it was the day before the trip, all the Carnahan siblings were packing.

Grace had just finished putting away her clothes when her mind thought of the man who almost died the day before, Rick O'Connell. She remembered his neck and how it must've been hurting, so she decided that she would go to the market and buy some herbs, ointment and bandages for him and anyone else who might get hurt on their expedition.

The young Carnahan picked up her satchel, which contained her purse full of money and a notebook with the list of things she was getting.

"Evie, I'm going to the market to get some things." Grace called out to the oldest Carnahan female, who was packing her bags in her room, as she passed the door of her room.

"Grace, be careful on your way." Evelyn put down the books she was packing and walked to her bedroom door to meet her younger sister. Evelyn wanted to go with her sister, but she had a lot to do before the expedition, and she simply didn't have time. Jonathan was also busy settling some things for the trip, mainly the transport and accommodation, before the expedition and probably would not be seen until tomorrow.

Luckily, Grace was only going to the market, somewhere that was close by and that she had been plenty of times. So, although Evelyn was hesitant, she still let her go, with a few warnings and some advice.


Grace was walking through the market in a casual place, browsing the different products that vendors had to offer. She had a pleasant expression on her face, displaying her contentment.

She wasn't in a hurry to go home as she had finished packing most of her things, but she also didn't want to stay in the market for too long; so, she picked up the pace and walked to the stall that sold herbs, and proceeded to purchase what she needed for Rick's wounds and what they may need for their expedition.

Grace, having finished the purchase, put the herbs in her bag and briefly contemplated going back home or shopping some more.

However, looking at the crowd that swarmed the market, Grace decided to go home.

She had only taken a few steps when someone grabbed her arm, quickly pulling her through the market and into an alley, covering her body with his as he checked the area.

Grace wanted to shout, but as soon as she opened her mouth the boy snapped his head towards her, and gently placed his hand on her mouth. He stared into her eyes as he slowly lifted his finger to his mouth, indicating she stayed silent, before turning back to watching the market, standing unbearably close to her while keeping his hand on her mouth.

Grace let out a huff and began to struggle with gusto making the boy that held her wrap his arms around her securely, using one of his hands to cover her mouth. Once he secured her, he turned to the entrance of the alley, continuing to watch whatever held his attention before. Grace continued to buckle in his grasp, until she exhausted herself.

She turned to her head in the direction he was facing to have a clear understanding of what kept him so firm, and became even more frantic in her attempt to escape the boy's grasp when she saw Cade frantically look around for something and cursing when he couldn't find it. He then turned to the person who she now noticed was next to him, and she couldn't make out everything that he was saying, but she caught bits of it, "...she's gone,...another opportunity to get her,... only she can be the sacrifice,... catch her during the expedition."

Grace Carnahan - The Mummy (1999) FanfictionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα