Wolf Form

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(Literally copy/pasted from my other book lfmao- sorry for the ping other author who gave me the inspo :p)

Sam Collins
{HENLO HI YES HOW ARE YOU, WELCOME TO THE FIRST REDACTED AUDIO ONESHOT :D  Original inspiration for this oneshot is from this person: saigonhemmings  and they did such a wonderful job writing it, I kinda wanted to take a crack at the idea :> so I did :) I added a few things here and there from my own image of Darlin'/Tank such as: a motorcycle named Rodney(it's a home-built cross between a Cruiser and an American Bobber), black metal/rock aesthetic, a significant amount of scars, and my interpretation of Darlin's past relationship with Quinn. That being said, this oneshot does mention history of experienced verbal and physical abuse, so please be warned. All that aside, enjoy :)

   Sam stepped through the door and pulled the keys from the lock as he shut it closed behind him, shrugging off his jacket and tossing it over the back of the couch on his way in.
   "Darlin'? You in here?" He called as he hung his carabiner of keys on the hook beside the front door, knowing the other was present somewhere at the very least—seeing as Rodney was parked outside. He noticed your black boots set neatly underneath, peering over at the armchair to see your leather jacket draped over it as it always was when you came over. Sam smiled to himself and made his way to the bedroom, eager to spend the rest of his night to early morning cuddling with his favorite Wolf. As he snuck through the doorway he chuckled, already knowing you were undoubtedly long-since curled up under the covers. He silenced himself and was stood in slight shock at the giant wolf comfortably asleep in Sam's bed. His expression softened at the sight and he smiled again.
   "Adorable," he said. The Vamp toed off his shoes and climbed into bed beside his beloved mate.
   "Never actually seen you in your wolf form y'know," he muttered aloud, as though you were listening. "Well, not properly, anyway." He chuckled, distracting himself from thinking of that night by running a hand through your fluffy fur, only to notice certain spots littered all along your form that seemed to be devoid of fur. Looking a little closer, he saw the spots where no fur had grown, were scars; some were small—a fair amount—but the bigger vacancies appeared to be more frequent. More specifically the large bite scar on your neck, the one Quinn had left in his wake, was the most noticeable to the brunette. Returning to the cathartic bliss of petting through your incredibly soft fur, he could hear the small whines and groans coming from you while you slept, soon nuzzling your nose into Sam's side until the sensation had apparently set in.  Your moment together like this didn't last long as you came to the realization that your mate was home. Panic took control as you suddenly and immediately shifted back into your human form, frantically grabbing at the blankets to cover yourself and scrambling to the end of the bed, out of Sam's reach.
   "Sorry! I'm sorry!" You apologized, worry and a slight fear in your voice.
   "What?" Sam questioned, perplexed. "What are you talkin' about? Why are you sorry?" He smiled sweetly even though he was confused, speaking softly in response to your panic.
   "For- for shifting—I'm sorry. I-I know that.., my wolf isn't too, um.., pretty... a-and you're probably, uncomfortable and angry with me b-being on your bed.. like this..." You trailed off, looking anywhere but Sam's eyes. "So, I'm- I'm sorry if I overstepped something." You finished.
   "Darlin'," Sam spoke, moving a little closer. "Look at me;" he continued gently, and you complied, letting your eyes meet his gold-flecked silver hues.
   "You don't need to apologize for that, you've done nothin' wrong. You haven't overstepped anything—I'm not uncomfortable, and I'm sure as hell not angry. I would never be." He moved a hand to rest upon your cheek, brushing his thumb softly across your skin.
   "And what in the hell do you mean your wolf form isn't pretty? Darlin', you're absolutely gorgeous when you're shifted. And when you're not." Sam smiled, prepared to wipe away the tears that were gathering in your vision.  "I love seein' your wolf form, and this was the first time I could see it properly. And God, please, never be sorry for shiftin' in front of me. I loved pettin' you just now, and the sounds you were makin' made my heart flutter." When he finished, he could see his lover was trembling before him.
   "A-are you— are you sure..?" You asked, gaze averting from the elder's once more, still uncertain of yourself.
   "Yes, of course I am! Why are you so afraid of this? You don't have to say if you don't want to but, I wanna help, Darlin'." Sam replied, using his other hand to lightly brush along your shoulder.
   "I..," you began, hesitant to dig up old memories. Especially bad ones. But, you knew you could trust Sam with every part of yourself. No matter what happened back then, Sam would never judge. "B-back... when I—" You cut yourself off again, trying to think of the words to use.
   "When I was with.. Quinn...I had shifted while I was bed, but when he came back..." Sam squeezed his grip on your shoulder a little, helping to ground you as he felt you start shaking again.  "W-when he.., came back, he was furious that I shifted. Yelling that I had gotten my nuisance of (insert whatever color fur you wan) fur all over the place, yelling at me to shift back—so I did. And as soon as I did..." You took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to keep his breathing steady. Rather than continuing with more explanation, he let the blankets fall a little, showing Sam various scars to his torso.
   "He did this to you?" The shorter asked, voice still gentle and even though he was furious. You nodded.
   "He kicked me 'til the skin started breaking." You then drew your hand up to your face, brushing your fingers across a small scar that stretched over your left cheekbone. "This was him, that day, too... he slapped me with a ring on. And it, uh.., it cut me." Sam took in a deep breath and sighed, looking back into your eyes with such love and understanding.
   "I could never be mad at you. Not for anythin' like this—Darlin', you are beautiful. In every form." The brunette scoots closer, gathering you, his shaken mate, in his arms and planting a soft, brief kiss upon your temple.  "Whatever he said to you back then doesn't matter, because no matter what it was, it ain't true. You shouldn't be afraid to be your whole self and it breaks my heart to see he's done so much to you that you're so worried—to the point of breakin' down—that I'm gonna be upset." Sam brushed a hand through your (fluffy/curly/straight/etc.) (h/c) locks as he held you close.
   "I-I know... I know that I'm safe with you. I know that you're nothing like Quinn, but there's just—" quietly and not without an effort to prevent it, the tears fell; slipping down your cheeks slowly as you continued carefully: "there's something in me—in my head—telling me that I still need to be careful. I need to step lightly, like I'm walking on glass again. I know I can trust you and I feel safer with you than I've ever been, but there's this nagging in the back of my mind that's telling me it's too good to be true." You wrapped your arms around Sam's chest, gripping at the fabric of his shirt as a strangled sob slipped past your lips. And he let you, continuing to hold you tight and close, listening intently to every word. Then spent a few minutes in easy silence, with no more than your cries muffled into Sam's neck, until the latter spoke up once more.
   "Y'know," he began, "you tellin' me all this? Lettin' me hold you so close, finally lettin' all these pent up feelin's out in front of me? That shows just how much you trust me. How safe you feel, right here, in my arms, Darlin'. And it's not just me you've been giving such an honor to," he planted another kiss to your head as he kept going, "you've put your trust back in David, in Asher and Milo and their mates, Booker—hell, even Christian." He chuckled as he jabbed, recieving a light laugh from you as well.  "And don't even for a second think I don't see you havin' all sorts of fun when Vincent and his partner roll around from time to time." You laughed again, mumbling something about being forced to listen to Charlie Puth while he hoped to survive each and every time he and Malik went out driving together. After all, Vincent said it best: that maniac drives like a bat outta hell.
   "Mhm," the brunette agreed, "your aunt and uncle, everyone you met in Washington, they've all got your back whenever. You've got support, Darlin'; people who trust you. They were ready whenever you were to return that trust—and you did! Words can't describe how proud of you I am for that, and you should be damn proud of yourself, too." Sam pressed one last kiss to your forehead before he squeezed tighter once more, pulling back to look at you.
   "Do you wanna shift?" He asked; "You don't have to if you really don't want to but, if I'm bein' honest, I'd love to snuggle with the wolf." He chuckled and smiled as he caressed your cheek, now dry of tears. You nodded, easing off the bed—still holding the end of the blanket up to cover yourself until you shifted. It was a bit of a struggle to convince his subconscious to let him shift Sam noticed, with your eyes screwed shut and expression twisting up into a frustrated frown. After a few minutes of nothing happening, Sam's brows furrowed, a supportive and apologetic look resting on his face.
   "It's just me, Darlin'," he assured, "not him, not anyone else, me. I'm right here, and I love you." You looked back at him in shock for a moment, then closed your eyes again, features relaxing as you took in a deep breath. You exhaled, "I'm safe" whispering softly from your lips. Only a couple more deep breaths and you opened your (e/c) hues as the magic surged out.
   In the blink of an eye, there stood a giant (insert wolf type((personally, I've chosen an arctic wolf because I have an unhealthy obsession with artic/pure white-coated animals)) wolf. A giant, fluffy, scarred, beautiful creature. Your head was bowed, eyes darting around the room as you whined, unsure of yourself. Sam waved you over with a reassuring smile adorning his perfect lips, patting the spot right beside him on the bed. Something sparkled in your eyes and you slowly approached Sam's bed, resting his head on the edge of it with a low whine as though you were asking if the Vamp was sure about the decision.
   "C'mere," Sam chuckled, arms wide open and ready to snuggle with his mate. Your tail flicked for a second before you carefully hoisted yourself up and found immediate comfort laying beside your cowboy. As the two of you cuddled up together, Sam pressed a kiss to your head.
   "I love you, Darlin'." He said, receiving a nuzzle and a relaxed huff from you in return.
   "I love you, too."

Hope y'all liked it ajwndkdxnks I'm like,,, 5 months on T now btdubs and big thanks to saigonhemmings the individual whose literature inspired me in the first place :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2023 ⏰

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