14. Romance movie

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☆ SONG: Often - The Weeknd

•Making out

This was supposed to come out earlier but... procrastination. And wattpad is mean to me

The movie started, and everyone was sat in the trucks of the two cars. Corpse, Dream, and George in one and Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity in the other. Quackity sat in between the two boys awkwardly.

-Quackity's POV:

I looked at the screen but couldn't pay attention to the movie if my life depended on it. I was shoulder-to-shoulder with Karl AND Nick. My heart kept beating so loudly I could swear Karl could hear it.

It felt like an eternity every 5 minutes. I have no idea how I'm supposed to sit here for over 2 hours.

My phone buzzes, and I tense up and look over at the two of them one by one. They didn't notice. It bummed me out with the lack of attention, but I was grateful they didn't hear or feel the buzz in my jeans' pocket.

I sighed quietly and got out of in between the two of them before I could tell myself otherwise. I walked to the front of the car, pulling out my phone in the process.

George: did u bring the snacks
Quackity: i thought you brought them???
George: omg
George: ur so annoying
George: I thought u had them
Quackity: this is all ur fault

George: no
Quackity: u didn't ask the whole time we were together
George: whatever go get snacks
Quackity: me? Why don't u???
George: cause ur the one who forgot
Quackity: u forgot
George: go get the snacks or else I'll tell everyone about ur crush
Quackity: fine

Quackity: I hate u
George: love you too quacks 💓

I rolled my eyes at George's last message and turned off my phone. I looked over at George, who held nothing but a smirk on his face. I sighed, walked back over to the boys, and smiled at the two.

"George forgot to get snacks, so I'm gonna go to some gas station," I whispered.

Sapnap nodded. "Bet, I'll go with you?" Karl looked over at us.

I stood nervously. I shouldn't be trusted alone with him. "Uhm, okay..! Karl, you coming too?"

Please say yes.

"Uhh... I'll stay, movie's interesting." He smiled warmly.


"O-okay! Uhm. Close the trunk once you're off, alright?" I smiled back, not as warmly as him.

Karl nodded as both of them got off the trunk and stretched. It's only been like 15 minutes? I walked towards the front of the car and waited for Sapnap.

My mind couldn't help but go back to the kiss... or was it like a make-out sesh? I hate thinking about it, though. Sapnap has a girlfriend and I can't let him do that to her. Again, he could be lying but what are the possibilities of that!? I wish I never agreed to go hang out with George's friends.

"I'll drive since you won't respond." Sapnap scoffed. His voice brought me back to reality, I'm making a fool of myself.

"Oh! Okay, sorry." I smiled awkwardly. Sapnap rose an eyebrow at me but held back from asking any questions.

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