The one named Neytiri seems to be glaring at me. I have to keep my eye on her. I can tell she doesn't like us and I'm guessing she doesn't want us here. Jake Sully notices his mate's unwelcoming stare and rests his hand on her shoulder, signalling for her to calm down. She then looks away from me and sits down at the table, after which Jake Sully does the same, taking his seat on the ground to the left of her. "Please. Come sit everyone." I take my seat directly in front of Jake Sully. To my left sits Tehiti in front of Neytiri and the girl named Tuk sits beside him along with Kiri, I think that's her name. To the left of Neytiri is the one named Lo'ak and beside him is Neteyam.

Silence takes over the place as the smell of fish and other delicacies wafts around the pod. Everyone begins to eat and Jake Sully breaks the silence.

"So what do you think of this place? It's beautiful like the rest of Pandora isn't it?"
Tehiti swallows his food and says "we wouldn't know, we've never seen it." They all look startled at this and I eye Tehiti angrily. It's like everything I said was for no use and now he's sharing too much. I quickly fill in by saying, "we live in the volcanoes, that is all we have seen."

"So you have never once left the volcanoes and explored Pandora?" "No." They all look at us perplexed, and I shift uncomfortably at their stares and continue eating, Tehiti doing the same. After a moment they all begin to eat once more except for one. I feel his gaze upon me and look at him. Neteyam immediately looks away, nervous that I caught him looking. I must say, he is very handsome. His face is enchanting to look at and the curve of his muscles and the overall structure of his body is so hot.

I snap out of my thoughts when Neytiri says "what is the real reason you are here?" Jake Sully eyes her intensely.


"it is alright. I will answer your question. We are here because Dinraal ordered us to stay here. That is all."

"So you are not here to spy on us and destroy our home?"

"That is enough Neytiri" Jake Sully says as he looks at her sternly.

The youngest girl named Tuk then says "do you actually live inside volcanoes?" Tehiti then looks at her softly and says "yes we do."
"That's so cool! Why is your tail different from your sisters?"

Tehiti looks at me pleadingly and I nod to him. I mean how could he not answer this adorable girls question. "All fire Na'vi have different tails. We are born with the tail of the dragon we must tame when we are older. My tail is similar to the species of Noxus dragons who are yellow in colour, making my tail yellow as well."

Tuk then asks Tehiti "do you have your dragon yet?"


They all look interested by this piece of information and I can tell they are itching to know more. Lo'ak then says "how do you tame a dragon?" Tehiti looks at me again, asking for permission to tell these random Na'vi the most sacred event in the Ash People's history. 

I nod to him once more. I guess there will be no harm in telling them. I'm just worried they will know too much and father said not to expose too much information. Tehiti then speaks, catching the attention of the whole family with his words, "once a fire Na'vi determines which dragon they must tame based on their tail, they spend their whole life learning how to tame that dragon from those who have previously done it. To tame a dragon you must learn the specific movements with the weapon that dragon prefers which takes a long time to do. Our ancestors wrote detailed biographies on each dragon in Pandora to determine which moves are preferred in order to obtain that dragon. Then when a fire Na'vi comes of certain age, a dragon ritual is held for them and they preform those moves. This then calls the dragon they are to tame. The goal of the ritual is to impress the dragon so they bow their head, meaning they are yours. Forever."

Everyone remains silent, processing this information, intrigued by how different we are from them. Then Neteyam says "that is very complicated. For us forest Na'vi we make a bond with the creature who tries to kill us and they become ours." Jake Sully then nods and Neytiri looks at me skeptically. "What about you, that dragon you rode here was yours right? What species is it apart of?"

"My situation is different. My tail was similar to a dragons that no one thought I could obtain. That dragon was the only one of its kind and one of the most deadliest beast to roam Pandora. There was no information about it so I never preformed the ritual. Meaning it's not mine. "

Kiri then asks me "so then how did you find it and why does it listen to you as if it's yours?"

"It found me two weeks ago. I don't know why Flames listens to me."



"Will you ever preform the ritual?"

"Time will tell."

I can tell they want to ask more so before they do I say "thank you for the food. We shall be leaving now."

Jake Sully snaps out of his train of thought and says "oh yes. Your welcome. If there is anything you need at all please do not hesitate to ask us." I nod and begin making my way out of this pod and Tehiti follows, clearly sad that he can't make friends with these Na'vi.

We make our way back to our pod and Tehiti sleeps peacefully, grateful for having one day where there was no torture present.

I know I must preform the ritual soon. I spent these two weeks after meeting Flames by perfecting my skills with the weapons on either side of my hip. My knives gifted to me by mother.

If the time ever comes to preform a ritual, I will use these and generate fire to impress Flames. I just hope it will be enough.


The Fire Between Us  {Neteyam x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now