Cuddles PT 3- Mountain

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Mountain has been having to do late practices so he has been feeling down and needing some affection from his Love :]

I sat in the Common room watching all the other and Ghoulettes play board games everyone was there except Mountain and just as I though that Mountain comes through the door with a droopy frown of his face and he had looked very tired from his late night practices that have been happening a lot of the weekend, Mountain looked at me sitting on the couch and I stood up while he walked over to me when he got to the couch he sat down and pulled me onto his lap wrapping is arms around my waist 

"Mounty, Are you alright?" I said looking at his as he shook his head and whispered into my ear "I want Affection..." I smiled as we laid down on the couch "You have missed our cuddles i'm guessing?" I whispered back and he nodded grabbing a blanket wrapping it around the both of us and started to play with my hair as I wrapped my arms around his chest nuzzling into him "Aww they are perfect for each other." One of the Ghoulettes said I smiled at the fact that Mountain was more needy than usual when we cuddled, I looked up from nuzzled into his Chest "I Love you Mounty" I said kissing his jaw he smiled as well

 "I Love you too, Flower" 


Aether Cuddles are next :D

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