The Wrong Side of Heaven

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The footsteps got louder and louder. Each step had a limp in it, knowing that whoever it was, had been injured. You didn't dare turn around, you did not want to see anyone that this moment, until the steps stopped right behind you. A tall shadow appeared over your head. "Who the hell is that?" said your father, staring above you, with a confused look on his face. Staring at him, as well confused, to why he didn't know who the person was standing behind you, you slowly turn around, gasped in shock and happiness.

"Loki!" you screamed while squeezing the man in front of you. The bruised, cut, and bleeding raven-haired man put his arm around you. "Ow!" he yelled in pain.

"Oh...sorry! How are you here?!" you said releasing him.

"Do you really think that, I, the God of Mischief could possibly die from something so simple?" he teased, wiping some blood off of his lip.

"I...I-I'm just so happy,'re not...gone." you said looking up at him.

He bent down closer to you and kissed you on the mouth. "I would never leave you!"

"Um...(Name) Who is this man?" asked your father. Loki broke his gaze on you and brought it to the King of Stravlgard. He quickly limped towards him in rage, towering over him, for Loki was taller. The raven-haired man placed his injured hand on his throat, giving it a tight squeeze. "I am Loki of Asgard, and you will not take what is rightfully mine!" he growled.

"Yours?" he chuckled. "And what is exactly yours?"

"Her." Loki pointed to you.

"I assure you that (Name) is not yours to own."

Loki's rage got even worse. The king was arguing with him now. It really made Loki mad.

"Uh-" you tried to bud in, but it was no use. They continued to bicker on with each other like little kids.

"I am the King of Stravlgard! You will not treat me with this disrespect!"

"I don't care who you are!"

"Stop!!" you yelled at the two men. The room then quickly fell silent as they both stared at you. "Why are you fighting?! You are both acting like five-year-olds!" Loki loosened his grip. "Why can't we forget this stupid war?! I'm tired of it!" There was a pause of silence. The raven-haired man completely eased off, came towards you, and stood by your side."Father? Don't you want me happy?" you asked.

"Yes...of course I do, honey."

"Then you will help rebuild Asgard and let me be with this man...his name is Loki, and I love him!" you said with confidence, standing up to him.

"You may love him. But you are not to stay with him! I will sort things out with this realm, but you are to come home, in Stravlgard, where you belong."

"I am done being your little girl! I can do what I want. I want to marry Loki."

Your father looked at you in shock again. "What will happen if you do marry him? You will end up moving away from me, and live here, in Asgard...(Name) you're all I have left."

"What about mother?"

"She...didn't make it out of the battle." said your father, staring at the floor, getting saddened by his words.

"I-" you started, as well getting choked up, but you had to soon shake the thought away. Now was not the time to get upset again.

A few moments later, someone else entered the room. Struggling to walk, it was obvious who it was...Odin. He wore his horned helmet that had been chipped off the tip. Armor bent and bruised as if this was his last time to stand. "You, there." he called, pointing towards the small group, that you were standing in.

The King of Stravlgard turned around, questioning what he saw. "Odin? I thought you dead." he replied.

"Well, your theory is wrong!" Odin said, nearly out of breath.

Now that everyone was together, it was time to figure out what would happen next. The All-Father finally approached you all. He held his mighty spear in his right hand, letting it rest on the golden floor, making a loud gong-like sound that echoed. "What in the holy Nine Realms is going on?" he growled.

Grey clouds began to slowly dissipate, turning the sky a blue color, being able to see distant realms and planets from far away. It looked like a normal Asgardian day, as if everything were coming to an end. "My daughter here, wants to marry your son."

Loki rolled his eyes to the words 'your son' as he let out a loud sigh.

"Odin..." Loki started. "This young woman, (Name), has left her home 'Stravlgard', to come to Asgard. She met me, and we've got to know each other, more than expected. You see, (Name) never meant to cause any harm. She never thought that anyone would be this angry, to cause a...war. Along the journey we found that we love each other. Even if it's not meant to be, could you at least accept our marriage?"

"No!" he said furiously. "Someone like you cannot be with someone like her!"

"But we could join each other, share this one huge realm. Combine both Stravlgard and Asgard?"

Nothing was said as Odin paused for a moment, thinking. "I still will not allow it! You see Loki, it's two different places. The Nine Realms would not see through with this."

"Then we will leave! Never come back and live happily ever after!"

"Oh stop being so childish." he demanded.

"I'm pretty damn sure if this was Thor, that you were dealing with, you would allow it!"

"Now, don't start this Loki."

"Start what?! Thor is an Asgardian and Jane is a Mid-guardian. What's the bloody difference? Because I don't see it. Or is it because you've always hated me and never once enjoyed me being happy?"

"Don't play favorites with me now, son."

"I want an answer!"

"You're too young to know."

"Know what? Thor is only a few years older, and you let him sleep with mortals!"

"Enough!" Odin yelled to shut Loki's rant up.

Everything fell silent, until your father spoke up, in a innocent voice to Odin. "The more that I see it, I think that it's not a bad idea. Come on! They're only young lovers...I hated the idea too, but the longer I think, I will accept the offer and the joining realms."

Odin glared down at him, and exhaled deeply. "We will discuss this later." he said while the two older men walked off into another room.

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