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You walked down a narrow aisle that had hot pink and red rose petals scattered all over it. Moving forward in a slowish fashion your shoes clomped against the ground as a bunch of faces stared at you with huge smiles on them. Men and women that you did not know or you could not recognize. Your hair was pinned up in the highest point with bits of pieces dangling down which made you look beautiful. Your face was a pailish shade of white due to a load of makeup, along with bright red lipstick, and mascara that made your eyelashes two times longer than usual.

Feeling nervous and confused as of to what was going on, you continued to walk forward. There was a lump in your throat that could not be swallowed. Music began to play in the background. A soft/graceful rhythm that could make you fall asleep. Taking deep breathes, you slowly inhaled and exhaled. Still not knowing why you were there or what was happening, you managed to put on a pleasant smile.

You took a glimpse of the sky and it was a blue color with a few white puffy clouds that hovered over the scenery. It seemed to be delightful, a place where you would go to, to escape from the real word and relax. Everything at this moment looked and felt like a dream, a fantasy that everyone would love to go and rest. But at the same time was very real.

The faces were intimidating, it was as if their eyes were staring into your soul. Very uncomfortable. Your eyes scanned the place trying to get a good long stare at your surroundings. Wanting to remember it. Never to forget. It was too beautiful and peaceful to slip your mind. Some people in the crowd around you, had tears running down their cheeks, turning red like they were either extremely sad or overly excited and happy, that tears were the only expressions that they could express at that moment...but the weird part was that the pressure was all on you, so they must be proud or very happy for something you've done or that is about to happen to you.

All of sudden the wind began to blow which made more petals come your way, flying through the air. It then made the scene even more dramatic and beautiful. 'What is going on?!' you thought to yourself.

Up ahead was a cream white gazebo that was covered in green vines. The sun was at an almost half way angle in the sky which let you know that it was early afternoon. Standing at the end of the isle waited two men. One was wearing all white and some sort of hat, that stood in the center of the gazebo, the other, who wore a black tuxedo, that appeared fancy and seemed to be very cleaned up, and fresh with slicked back raven-like hair.

You drew closer and closer to them as the music began to fade out. Then you grew suspicious placing the puzzle pieces together. Every now and then your heart would skip a few beats, the lump in your throat grew three times larger. Seriously...you don't remember anything! What recently happened? How the hell did you even get here?

Now just only about two feet away from the gazebo, your smile went to a frown. Right foot placed on the first step as your left foot followed up the few stairs, entering the shade where the two men waited. You turned to face the crowd which had taken their seats and the music completely stopped playing. All to be heard was dead silence.

You turned back around to face the raven-haired man, staring deep into his bright green eyes, that were impossible to look away from. The elder man wearing all white pulled out a book that looked to be a thousand years old. "Are we ready?" he asked in a scratchy/irritating voice. You began to sweat a little but not enough to be noticeable, you let out a quiet sigh, and could hear shakiness in it from fear. 'A wedding!' you quickly thought.

Standing in front of you still stood the raven-haired man, which finally looked familiar. 'Loki!' you thought 'Am I getting married to Loki?'

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today-" began the minister.

'When did this happen? I never agreed to this!'

"Here in the sign of God-" he continued. Loki then winked at you. You put on an uncertain smile.

"And in the face of this company, to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony-" The rest of the words were a blur, you began to hyperventilate and have a panic attack.

"(Name)! (Name)! is it a yes or a no?" asked the minister. "Are you okay?" Everything went black.


You looked up and saw Loki staring down at you with a grin on his face. "L-Loki?" you asked faintly. Back in the endless field.

"Yes, dear?"

"I-uh..." you started to stammer, then let out a loud sigh. "Yes, I will!" you made your final answer after that odd vision from a few minutes ago. A happy expression appeared on Loki's face as he stood up properly, helping you stand as well. He hugged you, then kissed your cheek.

"Should the wedding be now...or after we settle things?"

"I say afterwards." you smiled.


You stood at the face of the land grasping your fiancé's hand taking in a few deep breathes preparing to got to battle. This will hopefully be the last battle Asgard will encounter again.

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