Y/n nat and wanda are discharged from the med bay

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Your pov
I wake up and see Bucky still sleeping so I slowly sit up and check my phone and see that it is 8:00 am

"hey Bruce Can I take my dip out" I text bruce

"umm ya sure I don't see why not just take it Easy ok and if your side starts to hurt again please go back to the med bay" bruce texts back

I take my drip out and I hop out of bed slowly and sneak out of the med bay and goes to wake Peter up when I get to his room I knock on the door and he didn't answer like he usually did instead there was no answer  so I opened the door and saw him with head phones and glasses on and his head on dads chest

"omg poor baby"I say In my head and I walk over to him and kiss his head and tap my dad

"mmh what's wrong" says my dad while looking at me

"nothing is wrong can I please swap places with you" i wisper

"oh ya sure" my dad whispers back

He gets up and makes sure he had his hand on peter head lifting it up and you lay where tony was and he placed Peters head on your chest slowly

"umm if Bucky wakes up and starts looking for me can you tell him that I'm in here and not to come in because Peter is asleep" you say while playing with  peters hair "

umm ya sure" dad says while walking out the door

After a couple of minutes peter starts to wake up and he sits up

"oh hey mum where is grandpa" Peter says

"oh I swapped with him because I wanted to snuggle"You say

" oh ok well let's get up now" Peter says

"ok" you say,

Peter takes his sunglasses and head phones off and hops out of bed and goes into the bathroom and you just stay on his bed and waits  for him to get out of the shower

"how are you feeling Pete" You say while putting his snacks in his snack draw and his sunglasses and head phones in his draw that he puts all his stuff that makes him feel better in

"oh umm well still abit sore but other then that I'm completely fine how about you" says Peter

"same" You say while sitting back on peters bed

"oh nice do you want to go eat" says Peter

"ya sure that would be grate"you Say while getting up

You and Peter walk down stairs together and Peter sits at the counter while you make pancakes for the whole team because wanda and pepper aren't up yet

"hey doll how are you feeling" Bucky says

"I feel fine" I say.

Ten minutes later you finish the pancakes and put them on a plate

" umm help your self I'm going to go wake the rest of the team up"you say while walking away

You go to the med bay and wake nat and Wanda up and takes there drips out

"oh hey y/n how are you feeling" says nat

" I feel fine,how about you " you say

"umm I feel good" nat

One minute later Wanda wakes up and gets out of bed and makes the bed

"well I made breakfast so go and eat I will be right there" you say

"ok" says nat and Wanda

You walk out of the med bay and goes up stairs to Steve's room and knocks on his door

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