bucky gets revenge for peter

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*Buckys pov* I head upstairs and see everyone sitting on the couch watching a movie in the second lounge room

"hey nat, tony, steve,, and Wanda I need you to come with me now we have a really important mission" I say getting out of the elevator

"umm ok whats it on" says Wanda

"it's on peters bully" I say while walking over to them

"oh what did he do?" asks Wanda

"well long story short he bashed him and broke is leg and arm" I say

"omg is peter ok" asks Wanda

"no he is not he is having really bad flash backs anyway we got to go now before school ends" i say walking to the elevator and clicking the button

"ok lets go" says steve

we get into the elevator and heads to the car

"bye y/n bye peter" I say while walking out of the door

"bye babe" y/n says

"bye dad" says peter,

me nat steve tony and wanda hopes into the car and drives to the school

"ok we are here do you know where his class is" says tony

"no but the office knows"i say

"ok" says tony

We went to the office

"hey can you tell us where flash tomson is we need to talk to him about somthing" says tony

"ya of course i can he is in the science room" says the office lady

"ok thank you so much wanda remove her memory of talking to us" says tony

"ok" says wanda

wanda removes her memores and we head to the science room

"hey miss can we please have flash tomson" says tony

"yes you sure can go on flash" says the teacher

"wanda again but the whole class" tony whispers

wanda removes the wholes classes memorys

"umm hey whats up?"

flash says very confused

"follow us please"

i say while walking away

"umm ok" says flash

we take flash to the back of the school where no one can see us

"what did you want me for" says flash

"umm well you hurt my kid peter parker and your going to pay for it" i say

we all do what he did to peter and then Wanda tells him to leave peter parker alone and removese everything that happed just then exept that he needs to leave peter parker alone and then we went home

"were home" i say while we walk in

"hey babe"y/n wispers

"why are we wisparing" i wisper back

"becase pete is asleep" y/n whispers back

y/n and buckys life storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin