Peter beats flush up and things go wrong

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it is three weeks after the wedding and you bucky and peter are in the lounge room watching ginny and Georgia while everyone is on a  hydra mission

your pov

" hey guys do u want to go get KFC for lunch because I don't wanna cook anything  today," you say

"ya that sounds good," says peter

"ok what do u guys want I will go and get it by myself," you say

"umm can I please have an ultimate box with a Pepsi please," says bucky

"ok, how about you Pete  what do u want," you say

"Nothing tanks I'm not hungry I'm still full from breakfast," says peter

"ok I will be back soon," you say

you head out to the car and drive to KFC and order everything and went home when you walked into the tower everyone else is home sitting on the couch watching ginny and Georgia

"oh hey guys sorry I didn't know you were going to be home this early otherwise I would of gotten you something," you say

"oh it's okay we aren't hungry," says nat

you put  buckys food on the coffee table then you notice peter isn't on the couch anymore

"umm where is peter," you say

"he's in the med bay," says bucky

"what why," you  say starting to panic

"because he passed out,"  says bucky

"omg ok I'm going to go check on him," you  say

you run to the med bay and see peter lying on the bed still passed out

"hey bruce is peter ok," you  say

"no not really he passed out due to him not eating  anything since your wedding and it looks like he has been passing out ever since without you noticing," says bruce

"omg I should of noticed he is always in his room and saying that he has already eaten and isn't hungry but I just thought that he was eating his snacks in his room," you say

"look y/n it's not your fault it all flashes falt he has been bulling peter and telling him that he needs to stop eating so much because he is so fat," says bruce

"what how do u know that," you say

"when he woke up I asked him why he hasn't been eating and he told me that," says bruce

Peter starts to wake up

"mum?" says peter

"yes baby what's wrong," you say

"I'm sorry for not telling you I just didn't want you to know that he was pulling me again" says peter

"hey hey hey Pete baby it's ok I know that it's hard opening up about bullying  but I want you to know that I am always here for you and that I'm going to go with my dad and pay flash and his parents a visit ok baby," you say

"ok mum but please be nice," says peter

" ok i will," you say

you go out into the lounge room

"hey dad you and me have a very important mission you coming, "you ask

"ya sure," tony  says

"ok let's go" you say

you and your dad get into the car and you start  driving

"so where are we going," says tony

"We are going to flashes house," you say

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