How you met

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(This is now an AU where Yusuke attends Shujin.   Kosei has a dorm system, while Shujin does not.  We can't leave Yusuke on the streets... *spoilers for both this story and P5 and P5R...*

Yusuke will be living with you and your family shortly after Madarame is defeated.)

You were a drama student at Shujin.  You were popular because of your acting skills.  Everyone wanted to be your friend, but you knew that all they wanted was to get their 5 seconds of fame for when you became a famous actress.  You could tell that they were acting because you could read the faces of people.  The way they spoke, their expressions, and their body language, it was all obvious. 

You were often alone.  You ate lunch alone.  You sat alone.  You worked alone.  But when you were in your drama class, you stopped being alone.  Acting is what made you feel alive.  Being somebody else, even for a moment, was happiness to you. 

You walked down the halls, trying to avoid students at all costs;  knowing the truth hurt you.   The reason you wanted to be an actress was to inspire others, not for fame or money.   

You continue walking down the halls and turn the corner when you suddenly bump into somebody. You stumble and fall.

"Ow!" You wince, rubbing your arm. You look up to see a boy with blue hair.  He was taller than you, about 5'11, and he was rather slim.  You thought he was exceptionally handsome.

"My apologies, I did not see you there." the boy spoke.  His voice was deep, and he spoke more formally than most boys.  

He extends his arm towards you, offering you a hand.

"Please, don't worry about it!  I'm alright!" You take his hand and he helps you back on your feet.

"My name is Yusuke Kitagawa.  I'm one of Madarame's pupils." The boy named Yusuke says, giving a small bow. 

"I'm Y/N L/N.  I'm one of the drama students here." You say smiling. 

"Y/N... That's quite an elegant name for an elegant young lady." The boy says, smirking slightly.

You begin to blush.   "Thank you." 

"No need to thank me, I am merely speaking the truth."  He remarks.

"Thank you for speaking the truth, then." You say, clearly flattered. 

"Well, I must be getting to my next class.  It was very nice meeting you, L/N-san."

"It was very nice meeting you too, Kitagawa-san." You say.

He walks away, leaving you and your rapidly beating heart alone. 

"Whoa.  A guy actually talked to me genuinely." You mumble to yourself.

You walk to your next class, feeling a bit happier than you were before.

Yusuke Kitagawa x Reader Boyfriend Scenarios (But he attends Shujin)Where stories live. Discover now