The DrunKen Chase

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"So what'll it be this weekend after the show? Movie? Dancing? Strolling around the city aimlessly until we find something?"

Barbie giggled and squeezed her boyfriend's hand tighter, "I like all of the above"

"Wonderful choice, my dear!", Ken approved in his royal voice, swinging their locked hands back and forth, "We can officially celebrate your new-found freedom in style!", he added, waving his other hand around, causing her to laugh again.

"Buddy's?", snarked Barbie, teasing her boyfriend who simply scoffed at the idea of spending the weekend at the local bakery.

"Ah! You cut me to the quick, Agent Roberts! I think I can plan something a bit more romantic than that!", Ken protested, slightly offended. Barbie just snickered and tugged at his hand again.

"I'm just teasing. I know you'll think of something fantastic", she beamed up to him. Rising up on her toes, she quickly pecked at his chin, sending a flush to his face.

Two weeks have passed since New Years. Two weeks since Malibu and Brooklyn chose to mutually place The Barbies on hold for the time being.

It was an amazingly freeing feeling knowing that both girls supported each other in their newest endeavors without judgment.

Brooklyn was finishing up her final rehearsals for MacBeth that was set to premiere this coming weekend. Barbie and Ken were graciously gifted balcony seats to the performance, much to their delight. Even though Brooklyn was an understudy, there was always the chance she could end up in the spotlight. The prospect of the aspiring thespian acting on Broadway was coming to fruition, especially with the audition for the next summer production.

Malibu was preparing for a new and exciting semester at New York University. Classes were slated to begin on Monday and Barbie was beyond anxious, but in the best way. New courses, new things to learn, new educational avenues to explore. The sky was the limit. The air even smelled different... although that could just be the burnt cookies from the bakery down the street.

For now, however, Barbie and Ken were busy planning their weekend festivities for after Brooklyn's midday matinee on their way home from the Library. Barbie had just finished her shift when Ken showed up unexpectedly, whisking her away to a glorious lunch at the local sandwich place on campus.

"So... you excited for classes to start?", Ken asked as they strolled along to his car.

Barbie beamed up at him, "Absolutely. I feel like a whole new me, Ken! Although part of me is sad that Brooklyn and I aren't actively trying to record songs, I can honestly say that I don't miss the stress. Booking new gigs or finding an agent is something I couldn't really control, but studying for my classes is something I can. And I'm really looking forward to trying a hand at a normal life for a change"

Ken lifted her hand and placed a butterfly kiss near her knuckles, "And I for one am proud of you. I know I tell you a lot, but I mean it..."

His girlfriend giggled, "Thanks, Ken...". A flush hit her cheeks when she gazed up at him; she softly whispered, "Love you"

The blonde male lit up like the Fourth of July, grinning widely back down to her, "Love you, too", before placing another loving peck against her hair.

As the two of them strolled along through the city, Ken couldn't help but think about how everything in his life was going right... He and Barbie had been in New York together for a whole year at this point, and since he moved in, they'd had a myriad of ups and downs, both personal and professional. He had seen Barbie at her best and her worst and had loved her more and more each day. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for his girl, and she knew it...

Barbie: Beyond the TripNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ