Record Scramble

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"Aaaaand that... is... that!", Rafa beamed, clapping his hands with the finality of the moment, "The Barbies... are now... IN THE BUSINESS!!"

The two girls couldn't contain themselves. Their giddy and exuberant squeals were nearly heard from the moon as they danced around, grabbing at each other's hands, twirling in the middle of the sidewalk.

They had just left the second-round interview with Fool's Gold Records. With the call two weeks ago regarding the meeting, the Barbies were thoroughly beside themselves, their excitement shooting through the roof.

"Woooo hoooo! YEAH!! That's my girl!! Congratulations, you two!", Ken hollered and clapped as he stood waiting outside the business's front door, delighted and proud that his girlfriend and her best friend were now going to become professional singers... and earn a great paycheck if all things went well. He had chosen to wait outside for the news... Although chosen wasn't the right word: he was forced to remain out of the meeting due to his lack of anything to do with their brand.

And loving moral support didn't count for Fool's Gold, unfortunately.

"Can you believe this, Ken?!", Barbie beamed, her eyes squinting with overloaded joy, her shaking body bounding on the cement, unable to stay put, "We did it! We actually did it!"

Ken laughed and nodded, accepting her tightly as she quickly leaped into his arms. He twirled her around once, squeezing her tightly.

"I know! I know!", he lauded her, his cheek pressed up against her hair. He sighed happily, a huge smile on his face, "I'm so proud of you!"

"I can honestly say that this is the single greatest thing that has ever happened in my life!", Brooklyn threw her arms in the air, unable to contain her happiness, "We're going to be famous, girl!"

"So famous!", Rafa agreed, overjoyed for the girls, as well, "You two are on fire!"

"And they even said so!", Barbie added, pulling away from Ken slightly, only to grasp at his hand, "Mr. Marcus said we were the freshest thing he's heard come through in at least a year!"

"That's so exciting!", Ken beamed down at her, then sighed as he studied the sky, pensively giddy, "Wow...", he chuckled wryly, "I'm dating a superstar!" Barbie laughed at the nickname, but Ken continued, holding her tighter with a wink, "Well... I mean you were always a superstar... to me, at least", before finishing it off with a kiss to her forehead, causing her to blush instantly.

"Ahem", Rafa cleared his throat, essentially cutting off any lovey dovey action that may or may not have happened if anyone else wasn't around, "This is all fun and wonderful and you have every reason to celebrate; however, before we get to caught up in ourselves, I do suggest we go over the plan of action for making this work... Remember the deal they gave you two ladies?"

Brooklyn cackled and waved him off, "Come on, Rafa, we got this! Don't we?"

"Sure do!", Barbie agreed, smiling brightly to her singing partner. Ken, on the other hand, wasn't quite sure what they were talking about.

"What deal? What do you guys have to do?"

Shrugging her shoulders casually, Barbie looked back up to his curious brow.

"Oh, we just need to make five new songs for an album before the end of the summer for them to officially sign and promote The Barbies with their label"

"If we can do that, we're getting a permanent contract for five years!", Brooklyn squeaked, continuing her jubilant jumps.

An off-screen record scratch hit Ken's ears as his eyebrows bolted up to the sky. He shook his head, confused, bewildered.

Barbie: Beyond the TripUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum