Half a Daisy

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"This is going to be so exciting! I can't wait!"

"I know, right?! You're going to love New York! And once your campus tour is finished, we have five awesome days with you guys to just hang out. It'll be amazing, just like old times!"

Barbie couldn't be more thrilled at the turn of events: her Malibu friends were finally coming out to visit tomorrow! What was even better was that Daisy and Nikki were touring New York University for their transfer in the Fall semester. Renee and Teresa had also declared they were not to be left behind on the trip, so with all four friends coming for a visit for five days, it was looking to be a regular Malibu reunion.

And with everyone finally reaching Spring Break, they had the whole entire week off! Granted, between work and whatnot, they were only able to scrounge up five days to visit. Still, five days in New York with friends: amazing!

Renee and Teresa were choosing to remain at their colleges on the west coast, closer to family. UCLA had everything they offered for their programs, so they were content with their original choices, but Daisy and Nikki had elected to transfer to the more prominently eclectic town to pursue the music and fashion industry a bit more in depth. Sure, Los Angeles was just a hop, skip, and jump away from the film production studios in Hollywood, but New York was a whole other ballgame.

"Totally! Aside from the pool parties, though, even if there is an indoor pool in the hotel", Nikki beamed, practically vibrating with excitement. She squealed, bouncing around in her living room, "Ooooooh, and girl! Plus seeing you and Ken fiiiinally be a thing on the daily?! Wow! Can't wait!"

Barbie laughed, shaking her head. She smirked at her winking friend through the screen, "I know, I know..."

"So, you two doing OK, right?"

Sighing peacefully, the blonde girl nodded into her blush, staring out the bedroom window of her Brownstone home before bringing her attention back to the screen with an enormous, sappy grin, "Better than ever, Nikki. We... we couldn't be happier..."

"I'm sooooo happy for you two, honestly. We all are. Besides, it took long enough, ya know. And now here you two are...", the Californian reminded, making the other girl chuckle again. But then a sound off to the side distracted Nikki, "Oh, I gotta go. Dinner is finally done! By the way, did I tell you how stoked I am that Daisy and I get to stay roommates when we come out to NYU?"

Chuckling again, Barbie confirmed that Nikki has told her that.

"Oh yes, multiple times. And I'm so happy for both of you, too! Plus, staying in the same dorm hall as Ken? Amazing!"

"I know, right?! Just a floor up! Imagine all the fun we'll have! Welp, I gotta go, we'll see ya tomorrow, girl!"

"Sounds good", Barbie smiled, waving to her friend, "We'll be there to pick you up when your plane lands."

Nikki nodded, beaming wide, "Perfect! Thanks! Bye!"

"Bye, Nikki!"

When the phone call ended, Barbie stood up from her bed in the Brooklyn Brownstone and made her way downstairs.

Nikki and Daisy had both chosen to room together at UCLA, same as Renee and Teresa who were also attending, where they too were roommates. However, with their collaborative decision to transfer to NYU, they were elated the new admissions department allowed them to remain roomies, making the transition from the West to the East coast to go a bit smoother than other people have experienced.

It's been since Christmas, really, when Barbie and Ken had come home for the holidays following the three-month long Jacinda World Tour that they had all been together last... forever and a time ago, they all thought.

Barbie: Beyond the Tripحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن