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I heard the knocking at the door, and soon after I also heard a wail from Russo, who hadn't finished getting done yet.

"DJ! Stall her!" Russo cried out from his room. I softly chuckled to myself, then walked over to the front door, swinging it open.

"Hey, DJ!" Sabrina smiled, and a slight redness burned into my cheeks.

"Hey, 'Brina!" I responded, smiling back at her. I waved my hand towards the apartment behind me, inviting her in. As I led her to the couch, I noticed that she was glancing around, most likely trying to get a feel for the apartment. I told her where all the facilities were located, and that all of them were open at any time.

"This is a really nice place, DJ!" Sabrina exclaimed, flopping herself into the couch. I extended my arm with the remote to the tv in my hand, and she kindly accepted it.

"Thanks for the compliment, but I need to go finish up dinner! I'll be right back!" I spoke, she nodded and slight pink color came to her cheeks that I hadn't noticed before. Just makeup, I thought to myself.

I strolled over to the kitchen where I had been 5 minutes ago. I was lucky that there was a buffet area that I could look out into the living room with. As I was cooking, I snuck glances towards the couch where Sabrina was sitting more times than I could count. Sometimes when I looked at her, I noticed that she seemed to be drifting her eyes in my direction, too. She always quickly diverted her eyes back to the tv though.

"The party is here!" I heard Russo's voice carry through the apartment and I sighed. I looked over to the hall that came out to the living room. Russo strode out in a blue sequined tux, with a black undershirt and matching blue bow tie. His blue hair swooped to the side partnered well with his outfit.
"Oh my..." Sabrina said while turning around on the couch to face Russo.

Russo's face grew a deep shade of pink just by looking at her, which made me full of jealousy. "You like it?" He quizzed her.

"It's definitely something special," she smirked, but then she quickly twisted herself back around to the show she was watching. I hadn't recognized it yet, and I was hoping she would tell me later what it was called. It looked like a different dimension with monsters and witches everywhere, and a human got there somehow. The Bird Cavern? No, that wasn't it, but I got rid of the thoughts and just focused on my cooking.

I used the strainer on the boiling noodles, and finished the rest of what needed to be done. I glanced over the buffet and saw Russo sitting on the couch next to Sabrina in that crazy suit. He gazed behind her shoulders and attempted to slide his arm around them. Sabrina noticed what he was doing quickly and grabbed his arm and flung it around in front of her. Russo's expression showed mainly terror but a hint of amused as he flipped over and fell to the ground.

My eyes widened and I could feel a large amount of redness rise to my cheeks. Sabrina looked over at me, curious if I had seen, and blushed when she saw I was as well.

"I... uh... I'm so sorry!" She quickly exclaimed, leaning down to help Russo up from the ground.
I quickly shook my head after I saw Russo grab her hand and get pulled up. Chill out, DJ, she's just a friend helping Russo! My intruding thoughts tried their best to calm me down, but it was impossible, they wouldn't leave while I finished cooking.

"Alright guys, dinner's ready!" I told them once I had evenly split the spaghetti onto three plates. I carried two of the plates to the dinner table, Russo's and Sabrina's. I set them down where each of them were moving to sit, then went to get my own. I heard them snickering as I moved away from the table and to the kitchen, and the thoughts from earlier came rushing back.

"Hey, DJ! Do you mind getting me a Dr Pepper?" I heard Russo ask, probably stalling from me getting there so he could have more time with Sabrina.

"Yep!" I told him, quickly grabbing the can from the fridge and bringing it as well as my food to the table. I turned to Sabrina, "Brina, you want anything?"

"Actually, I'll take a Dr Pepper if there's another and if you don't mind!" She responded politely, and I nodded. I couldn't count how many times I'll be in the kitchen today, but it's worth it.

After grabbing a Dr Pepper for me and her, I returned to the table once more. I set her Dr Pepper next to her spaghetti then sat in my chair. Russo began the conversation.

"So, Sabrina, how old are you?" He asked with his mouth slightly full. I sighed and kneed him over the table, knowing he was oblivious to how to speak to girls. I saw him wince, but didn't make any remarks.

"Actually I'm 32 years young!" She joked after swallowing her bite. I smiled at her joke, but I saw a look of slight dread come over Russo's face. I knew exactly what that look was for, she was six years older than him.

"That's awesome!" I told her, "I'm 33!" Her face got even brighter with that knowledge, and Russo's got even grimmer.

"How about you, Russo?" Sabrina asked him, and his eyes grew as he fumbled for an answer.

"Pfft! All of you are so old! I'm 26!" He messed around, and Sabrina's smile lost a little of its gleaming glory.

"Hey, we're not old! You're just too young!" I made a comeback that wasn't very good but would have to make do.

"Yeah!" Sabrina backed me up, her smile seemingly glowing again.

Russo just laughed it off and we all continued out friendly banter while eating supper.

Hey guys! It's Soph (obviously why would it be anyone else-)

Hope you all are having a good day/night!

-Soph/Sofa 💜


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