Part 2

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"Hey Brian, what are you doing here?" Gracie smiled as she seen him at the bar. "You here with the guys?" She asked as she looked around.

"I am not." He shook his head, "What about you? Are you here by yourself?"

"No, there's others here, like you for instance." She giggled then got serious, "But no, I'm not here with anyone, did you forget that I work here now?"

"Oh that's right. Went from doing that sexual video thing to working at this bar." He says as he finished his drink "Can I get another one?" He shook his glass a little. 

She nodded and made him another drink, "Wait, you knew about that? How?"

"I have my ways." He smirks.

"Hmm really? Well the only person that knew was Benji so it had to be him."

"It was, he uh, one night we were all drinking and he spilled it to me. But don't worry it was only me and I haven't said a word to anyone." He swiped his hand in the air.

"Thank you, so you never did answer my question. Why are you here? Alone at that."

"I'm not alone, I'm with you." He snickered, "But anyways, I came to drink. I uh, me and Michelle called it quits. Well, it was more her deciding she didn't want to be with me anymore."

"What happened?" She asked concerned.

"Ever since she had that miscarriage, things have been stressful, there's been a lot of tension between us I mean. And it didn't help that instead of actually being there for her, I've been keeping myself busy so I wouldn't think about what happened. Then when we were together, we'd always be arguing, over the smallest, stupid shit." He grumbled, "I think that's also part of the reason I'd keep myself busy, so that we wouldn't end up in an argument."

"Oh Brian, sweetie, I'm sorry to hear that." She sighed, "I thought for sure you guys would get through this. That you two would be one of the couples that lasted forever."

"Yeah my too." He huffed as he lifted his cup to in front of his lips, then after he took a drink he continued, "But nothing lasts forever."

"Unfortunately some." She then groaned, "Oh great."

"What's wrong?"

"One of the regulars is here. He's constantly hitting on me and trying to get me to go on a date, no matter how many times I've turned him down."

"Awe, why won't you go on a date with him." He chuckled.

"Ew no, he creeps me out." She crinkled her nose, "But I'm forced to be nice since I'm working."

"Oh shit, see there's a difference in being a flirt and being a creep." He shook his head.


"Hey sweetcakes, how are you tonight?" The guy asked once he got to the bar.

"I'm doing just fine Randy."

"Change your mind about that date yet?"

"Nope, I told you it's not going to happen. I've also told you, I've got a boyfriend. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to tend to my table." She gave a fake smile and stepped out from behind the bar.

"We'll see, you'll change your mind sooner or later. Because what he don't know won't hurt him." He smirks and grabs her ass.

Before she could react, Brian was off the stool and grabbed the guys arm as he twisted it.

"Don't ever grab her like that again asshole."

"Brian." She gasped.

She was far from being pissed that he stepped in though, she loved that he did.

"Mother fucker, I don't know who you are but you better get your hand off me."

"Not until you apologize to my girl."

"Your girl? Ha yeah right. Probably just jealous I grabbed her first."

"Brian, babe." Gracie rubbed her hand on his chest, "It's okay, he doesn't have to, just let him go before you get kicked out." She then kissed his cheek, "Please, I'll make it worth your while later." She winked.

"Mother fucker should have never touched you in the first place." Brian grumbled as he nudged Randy's hand away as he let go.

"I can touch who the hell I want, this is a free country."

"Not when it concerns my girlfriend! So you better back the fuck off of her before I rearrange that face of yours! In fact I don't want you to even talk to her again. You understand me?!" He groaned as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"Okay Geez." Randy threw his hands up, "I'm sorry." He then backed away.

"Thank you." She squealed at Brian, grabbing his face and kissing him.

She had tried getting rid of Randy so many times but it never worked. She was glad with Brian's help, that the guy would finally back off. At least she hoped.

He smirks and kisses her back, knowing the guy was watching.

"Sorry." She said lowly, "I probably shouldn't have kissed you."

"Meh, it's okay. Probably helped to convince that assole to leave you alone."

"Hopefully." She sighed. "I uh, should probably get back to work."

"Okay, but just so you know, I'm sticking around till after your shift. Just in case he tries anything else." He winks.

"And I'm totally okay with that, but just so you know I won't get out of here until after 1." She winks back.

"And that's okay."

By 1 am though, Brian had too much alcohol in his system to drive so Gracie drove him home.

"Come on Bri." She giggled as she helped him to the bedroom.

"Don't rush me woman." He chuckled.

As soon as she got him to lay down, he pulled her down on him and began kissing on her.

"Brian, no." She bit her bottom lip with a snicker.

"Awe come on. I know we both haven't been laid in so long. And you smell so good. And fuck, it's got me turned on." He says into her neck as he slid his hand into her leggings and groped her butt.

"You sure it's not the alcohol." She licked her lips.

"That's probably some of it." He shrugged, "All I know is I want you so bad right now." He made her feel his hard on then took off her shirt.

Flipping her over, he hovered over her and started attacking her breasts with kisses.

"Brian." She sucked in a breath.

"You want it too, don't you?"

"Fuck, I do."

They then started taking each other's clothes off as they kissed. He thrusted into her, and they didn't stop until both of them were fully satisfied.

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