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the next morning i woke up before mia. i made breakfast, humming along to the music i had turned on. i made waffles and eggs for the two of us, so i decided to let her know.

"miaaaaaa!" i sang, walking into her room.

"someones in a good mood this morning. you were singing so loud, you woke me up."


"so, i was enjoying my sleep." she grabbed a pillow and threw it at me.

"oh well. i made you breakfast."

"what did you make?"

"your favorite! waffles and eggs."

"you're the best."

"i know." i smiled. "plus, you're gonna love me even more after i tell you this." i ran out of the room and into the kitchen.

"surprise?" she yelled and jumped up, running after me. "what's the surprise?" she smiled, getting food.

"well, pedri and i were texting all night and guess what!"

"what?" she questioned.

"put your plate down first." i knew she would drop it if she was holding it so she did as i said. "he invited me out to dinner with him and some friends, he said i could bring a friend."

"OH MY GOD!" she squealed, almost losing her balance and falling onto the floor. good thing i told her to put her plate down. "you have to bring me. what if ferran is one of those friends!"

"obviously i'm bringing you!" i laughed.

we sat in the living room and ate our breakfast, watching tv. when we finished, mia spoke up.

"julia..." she started.


"i just realized something. what am i supposed to wear? i have nothing!" she dramatically fell back onto the couch.

"let's go shopping then?"

"music to my ears!"


we'd been to almost every store and i didn't find anything i liked. mia found a black mini skirt that hugged her curves perfectly. she was going to pair it with a crop top and a white cardigan. she looked amazing. if ferran was there, he definitely would notice her.

"miaa." i groaned and sat at a nearby table in the food court. "i haven't found anything. why don't i just wear like jeans and a crop top or something."

"no. you've got to look amazing! i mean, you look good wearing anything. but pedri will be there, and it sounds like he might like you."

"we just met yesterday." i side-eyed her.

"okay, well then he definitely thinks your hot. but if i'm wearing a skirt and you're wearing jeans then i'll be too dressed up."

"you're lucky you're my best friend."

we got up and walked into one of the last stores we had yet to go in. i looked around and still, nothing caught my eye.

"there's actually nothing." i complained.

"there." mia pointed.

i looked over in that direction and saw a black mini dress.




"oh just try it on."


can't have it all - gavi and pedriWhere stories live. Discover now