Start from the beginning

With the threat of Shinobino and Komi gone, Tadano was able to focus solely on his notes for the rest of the class. He was determined to stay out of the spotlight this year. He only wanted to make no waves, focus on his studies, and make a few friends. But as the entire class, save for Kagami and Komi, rushed towards him, he realized that may not be possible.

Kagami felt her stomach twist uncomfortably

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Kagami felt her stomach twist uncomfortably. She had already felt enough anxiety just introducing herself to the class. What if they realized she couldn't hear them and made fun of her? What if she still couldn't make any friends because of the language barrier?

But her current anxiety did not come from a place of self-inflicted worry. It came from the fear of being trampled to death. Kagami watched helplessly as all of her classmates rushed in her direction. Well, technically Komi's direction, but she was still caught in the crossfire.

Forcing herself to not give in to the urge to crawl under her desk for protection, she collected her bag and dodged the crowd to make it to the door in one piece. It was time for her next class, gym.

Unlike in Kagami's other classes, she was unable to follow along without any difficulty because of the lack of a chalkboard in the gym. Instead, she waited and watched what everyone else was doing before following along. While she was fully capable of lip reading, it isn't an exact science, and it was almost always much easier to watch everyone else.

She was lucky enough to partner with Osana for stretches, seeing as they were the single person Kagami knew of in the school who could communicate in JSL with her. Unfortunately, this also meant that she was forced to suffer through the question that Osana asked every time they met up.

"How are you doing?" Normally, this would sound like a normal question, but to Kagami, it was only a reminder of what she had lost, because that was what Osana was asking her. How was she doing with the loss of her father? Her siblings? With taking care of her mentally absent mother?

She wasn't exactly sure how Osana knew about the loss of her family. Kagami certainly hadn't told them. But then again, Osana seemed to know everything. With their freakish connections to seemingly everyone in Japan, nothing escaped without their knowledge.

She frowned at her sort-of friend. "Could you stop asking me that?" Kagami was growing increasingly tired of that simple question. It only made her feel worse. Similar to constantly ripping off a scab and allowing the wound to bleed freely once again. And as everyone knows, continuously removing scabs only leaves scars.

Osana raised their hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. I'll stop asking. But if you get killed because you're living essentially on your own and didn't let me check on you, I'm entitled to an 'I told you so'."

"Whatever you say." Kagami shook her head. "I highly doubt that will happen. How are you going to tell a dead person 'I told you so'?"

Osana rolled their eyes, "I have my sources," they spoke in an ominous tone, wiggling their fingers in Kagami's face.

𝕂𝕆𝕀 ℕ𝕆 𝕐𝕆𝕂𝔸ℕ {Tadano Hitohito}Where stories live. Discover now