chapter 48 • a traitor

Start from the beginning

Matt? Im on my way x

I'm applying lip gloss as I'm walking to the doorstep, and I can sense Bolley snickering behind me, "Do you have something you want to say?" I snap, turning around and glaring at him.

Bolley shakes his head, "Nope. Keep moving, have a lovely time". I just shrug him off and continue my stroll.

As I'm walking to Matt's street, I am getting deja vu from the first time I did this. Though, I was going to see Chris then... things have changed. Maturing is learning to stop being a Chris girl and becoming a Matt girl.

"HEY!" a female voice suddenly calls as I'm sniffing a pretty little dandelion. I whip my head around and look for the source of the noise. Are they talking to me?

"ARE YOU YOLLY?" the same voice says, and I spin around to see a shortish young girl staring up at me with a Chubba Chub in her hand like the little chubby fuck from shrek who asked him to do the roar.

I blink, "Yes? How the hell do you know me. I'm just an ordinary, everyday girl living my little crazy life in a big city".

"You're friends with the Sturniolo Triplets aren't you? Can I get a picture with you pretty please?". The girl looks hopeful and I'm just over here shitting my pants. How the FUCK does she know I'm friends with them? Well, 2/3.

"I'm sorry?" I question as she's whipping out her IPhone 8 and switching the camera app on, "How exactly do you know that?". I'm this 🤏 close to calling the cops on this little stalker.

She looks at me in confusement, "You do realise you're going viral on tiktok at the moment? You're the koi fish girl!".

And it was with that sentence that my Galaxy thumped in my ears like a train speeding over a fox on a railway and squashing its guts out and sending its organs splattering onto the windows of the train. How the FUCK does she know about the koi pond?

"What?" I say, dazed. Tears are brimming my eyes. How did she find out about that... Did Pwayne leak security footage?

The child opens her TickTock app, scrolls and pulls up the video. And to my horror, that terrifying scene from a week ago is replayed right infront of me. I see and hear the splashes. The screams. This is too much torment, "Turn it off!" I yell.

"You've got like 5.6 million likes overnight! You're a celebrity!" the girl announces, turning the app off and yet again pulling the camera up, "Please can I get a picture? I wanna be the first one to take a picture with koi girl-".

I'm silent for a beat, my head spinning a million miles an hour. Millions of fucking people have seen my trauma, my pain. I am going to be the laughing stock of America. And... the laughing stock of the Galaxy...

I turn to her and distort my face in a smile, "Of course I'll take a photo with you!" I say, taking her phone. The girl squeals in excitement and I hover my thumb over the photo taking circle before yanking it upward and holding it over our heads.

"What are you doing!" she screams, desperately stretching her hands up for her phone, "I just got that for Christmas from my nanny and pop!".

"You know what? Shove it up your fucking arsehole you annoying little bitch!" I scream before sending the phone soaring onto the road like a frisbee (Beatles vinyl throwback!), to which it is then crushed under the wheel of a four wheel drive.

The girl runs toward the road, screaming and crying at the top of her lungs, "YOU'RE A HORRIBLE, CLAPPED ASS BITCH!" she yells at me.

"GO GET HIT BY A CAR AND DIE YOU LITTLE FUCK!" I yell, flipping the child off and then running down the path as quickly as I can. I'm going so fast I feel that my lungs could explode.

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