Months ago, Ezekiel stopped working for Adrian, not because of a personal reason, but because of some work he has, something Adrian doesn't want me to know, no idea why, he just said it's for my "safety" and a part of me knew that he wouldn't actually keep secrets from me except if they're deadly, so I'm not pushing him for further information, and as much as they'd like to deny it they're closer than ever right now,

Ezekiel drops down on my right side and raises a brow before his eyes find Amelia's, his face softens, before he raises his eyes again, "I still can't wrap my head around this, Jesus." He murmurs and I smile a little, as I pass her to Adrian, "seeing you as a father is disturbing." Ezekiel mutters and Adrian gives him the middle finger,

Amelia watches their banter with wide adorable eyes and I grin, enjoying this almost as much as she is, "You're not coming back?" Adrian asks suddenly, his voice edged and somehow strangled, Ezekiel runs a hand across his jaw, "the bratva needs me back, I have to guard the Pakhan's daughter." He says, his jaw clenching.

"Isn't she married?" Adrian asks, his brows furrowing, Ezekiel runs his tongue across his teeth as he grits the next words out, "she is, to an old stinky motherfucker." He says and my stomach drops, I can't imagine how it'd feel like to be forced into a marriage.

Adrian nods, not protesting further, due to Ezekiel's weird reaction, and the whole protective posture he's in right now, I think it'd be better if we dropped the subject, "Jesus Christ, are you attracted to her?" Adrian asks, his face twisted, and my eyes widen.

"I'm her bodyguard." Ezekiel says, his nostrils flaring, and his cheekbones sharpening, "that's not an answer." Adrian says, raising a brow, "no it's not."  Those are the last words Ezekiel says about that matter, and I have a feeling that there's much more shit he's not letting us on.

✿ ✿ ✿

"Happy birthday!" I scream excitedly, and watch as Adrian's face breaks into a huge grin, "you're such an old man now." I whisper just for him to hear, he raises his brows, his face softening further as he cups my cheeks "and you're so fucking beautiful." He says and plants a kiss on my temple.

My cheeks redden further as if it's the first time Adrian says things like that, "please tell me no one is coming." He says, I bite my lip to stifle a laugh, and he groans, "who did you invite, woman?" He asks and I raise a brow.

"Don't woman me, Adrian." I say fiercely as if I'm not laughing internally, "please tell me she's not here." He says and my expression twists, "I'd never invite her." I say, and it's the truth, Adrian and his mother's relationship has been worsening, and I'd be lying if I said that I'm mad about that.

Trying to get close to her just hurts Adrian more, it's killing him, but deep down, he feels like he owes her something, that he still needs to be a good son for her even if she made him go through all that shit, "who's here then?" He asks, and I grin, "why don't I show you?" I say and turn on the light.

"Yayyy!!" The loudest voice is Aria's, Octavia and Nash's daughter, she's five years old, my wish definitely became true and I'm the cool aunt right now, but I'm also a mother, but I've always been great at multitasking,

speaking of that, a deep hole forms in my chest the more I think about my shelter, I didn't disown it, but it does feel like it, it became so hard to go to work while Amelia is screaming most of the time, even though Adrian doesn't mind a bit to babysit her while I'm there, but I know I won't be happy, my mind and heart will stay with my daughter, but I'm planning on going again after she grows up a little.

Amelia stirs in my arms as she tries to reach for her, I kneel a little so they can high-five, Aria peers up at my daughter with a big grin, her blue eyes staring up at me, as I plant a kiss on her soft cheek and she pouts looking sad all of sudden, "what's wrong?" I ask.

"Why does he get to have gifts? But not me." She says it so softly it melts my heart, Nash appears behind her and scoops her up, she fights him but it becomes a failure when he starts tickling her, "let me go!" She says as she giggles, "it's his birthday, sunshine, that's why he gets his gifts." He says pressing a kiss to her cheeks,

"Well, when is my birthday?" She asks, curiosity filling her face, "next month." He says and her brows furrow, looking angry all over again, she definitely got her mother's temper.

I look around searching for the said mother, Octavia appears in a blue stunning dress beside Damien, who looks like he's enjoying his time, he waves at me from across the room and I wave back, smiling tightly, that's how things between us work nowadays, and I'd be such a liar if I said it bothers me,

when Octavia notices me, she comes jogging in my direction, as she takes me in a bear hug, "ugh if I was that pretty after being pregnant I'd have been over the moon." She says and I laugh, "oh shut up look at you." I exclaim and she winks before a grin forms on her face.

✿ ✿ ✿

"Make a wish, Adrian."  I whisper as I stare up at him, he smiles before a beat passes, "just did." He says and I nod, "Okay, I got you something." I say, my voice soft and uncertain, I checked his reading list and knew a couple of books he wanted, I got them all.

The box is huge so I struggle to get it on the counter, "let me." He says and grabs it, easily placing it in front of us, and the moment he opens it, his eyes meet mine, tilting his head slightly, "did you, Layla knight, just got me about fifty books?" He asks raising a brow.

"I guess." I say narrowing my eyes playfully, his hands tighten around my waist and I smile so big at him, my cheeks ache, "I love you," he says softly and kisses me, when he pulls back, brushing a strand of my hair, his dark eyes hold mine,

"And I love you," I say the words with ease like I was always meant to say them, and I'd continue to do so until the day I die.

Hey guys! So there's a little surprise, first of all,
I hope you enjoyed the story and please if there are any plot holes just ignore them 😭 it's my second time writing a book so I wouldn't expect it to be perfect but I'm actually proud of this one, anyway that's not the point!

Ezekiel's book is out it's called "our forgotten past"

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