Chapter 8

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Part 2

"The sea can be nicer to us than we are to ourselves." -Crow

It was now Mistsday, the last day of the weekend. Crow was in the living room, strumming his guitar. He was piecing together a new song, a story of a crow stuck in a lightning storm. The suspense wasn't building the way he wanted to. The notes were slightly off key. 'I might need to re-tune it,' he contemplated.

Crow turned his guitar over to see a beautifully painted mural of sorts. It was a honeycomb, with bees and honey spilling out of it. Crow admired the craftsmanship of it. He smiled, running his hand over it lightly.

"He put a lot of work into this, huh? Aye, he's really pushing it," He chuckled. "I might just love him." Crow set his guitar down, enjoying the silence for a few moments. The rain pattered on the roof, giving a nice ambiance to the scene. He looked at his arm, which had a new scar from the Coyote attack.

He looked at the time. It was early in the morning, and Raven hadn't gotten up yet. Crow pulled out the old news articles and maps. He looked for the nearest port, so he could get on a ship. Prices were high, so he was thinking about committing some small crimes. 'Look, it wouldn't be that big of a crime. It's just...' He sighed. 'Ok, it's just a crime.'

He started putting together a list of things he'd need to smuggle on the ship with him, so he'd survive the trip there and back. He contemplated a bit, running his hand through his hair. With each thing he thought, he added to the list. At the end, he had a list only ten items long. He shrugged, thinking it would be good enough.

Crow carefully took his guitar to his room and placed it on his bed. He then took out some paper from his journal and wrote a quick note on it.

I'm heading out for a few days. Have a good work week!


He went to Raven's room and slowly opened the door. He went to the bed and saw that Raven wasn't there, but there was a note on the bed. It said something along the lines of 'Meet me at the docks,' Crow huffed angrily, hurriedly grabbing the note and his stuff, before running out the door.

The air was cool, the rain only drizzling now. Crow pulled his cloak around him for warmth. Since he was a Storm Chaser, he could probably have an excuse to board a simple cargo ship. He made it to the stairs down along the rocky coast. Snow lightly dusted the ground, making the scene more mystical.
He scanned the area for Raven. He nervously bit his lip, chewing off the dead skin. Crow deflated a little, not being able to see his roommate. He felt something touch his shoulder and he stumbled while turning around. He felt as if he was falling, but someone caught him. Crow looked up to see Raven, who was wearing a black mask with blue iridescent shimmer. Crow coughed, alarmed by the sudden encounter. Raven's hand slipped, causing Crow to fall on the ground.

"Hah. Ok. Hi," Crow fumbled.

"Are you ok?" Raven asked, helping Crow up. "Why are you not wearing a mask? Are you not going to cover up your face?"

"UHH...Do you have one for me?"

"Yeah, I figured you wouldn't."

"Thank you so much."

"I never said I would give it to you."


Raven softly chuckled, before handing Crow a mask like his. Crow hurriedly put it on, to cover his face.

"How do I look, Ink?" Crow excitedly asked.

"Absolutely fabulous," Raven replied somewhat sarcastically.

"Haha, very funny."

"You look fine."

"Thanks." Crow hit Raven on the head lightly, before going to find a cargo ship. He cracked his knuckles, ready for the adventure. Crow sneaked around a bit, looking for ships that had no guards out front. When he found one, he slipped inside, quickly going to the basement where they held the cargo. He sat at the back, leaning against some sturdy boxes.

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