20| Twenty

40 0 0

TW: mentions of AA and ABUSE

"Head shoulders knees and toes..." I mutter to myself as I walk down the parking lot, looking for my car. I held out key pressing the unlock and lock button hoping I'd hear it.

"Where is it.." I groaned.

I drinked too much. I'm surprised my fake I.D even worked.

I stopped in my tracks and leaned on someone else's car. "I give up" I thought out loud.

I feel so dizzy.

I grabbed a hold of my head, and started to massage it.

"Uh, hey."

My head shot to the left, it was a guy. He was tall, with black hair and brown eyes. He reminds me of someone.

"Hi." I let out.

"Why are you leaning on my car?" He questioned.

"Oh! I'm sorry, this is your car?" I got off his car.

"I'm sorry." I repeated, "I'm just trying to find my car, I can't...." I whined.

"Even if you did, you wouldn't be able to drive. Why don't I take you home." He offered, holding out his hand.

"I..." I looked at him and then at his hand.

"Don't worry, you can trust me."

I don't trust anybody, but that was sober me.

"O-okay." I grabbed his hand and he lead me to the passenger seat.

He opened the door and helped me down, I plopped into the seat and watched as he buckled me up.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"No problem."

I told him where I lived and he put it in his GPS, the car ride was silent and I was dozing off. But I didn't want to fall asleep in a car with a complete stranger.

"You don't remember me do you?" He chuckled.

"No. Am I? I-I feel like I've seen you before I just can't remember, I can't remember anything." I closed my eyes trying my best to remember.

"No, its cool! We didn't really have any conversation. You actually walked out before I could introduce myself to the class... I'm the new student. Vector."

I gasped, "Yes! Brown eyes."

"I was leaving and you were just coming in. Sorry I couldn't stay, shit happened."

"I'm guessing that's why you're out drinking."

I nodded my head, "mhmm." I hummed in response.

"Then you must be Layla. Everyone has been talking about you today, you're popular."

"Use to be... now everyone hates me. You probably shouldn't even be near me, if someone sees us together they will shun you too and you just got here."

"I'm not scared of what these dumb kids think."

I leaned my head on the door and admired him. He glanced at me, "What?"

"I wish I thought like you, too bad I care about what everyone thinks of me."

"It takes time."

"Teach me." I smiled.

"You sure? its rigorous training, and for a week you have to wear clown makeup."

I know he was joking but drunk me is so stupid. I gasped, "No way."

"Yes way."

"I'm.... I'm going to look so stupid." I giggled.

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