18| Shes A Liability

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"You've been quite."

I glanced up at my father, "And you've been talking non stop." I put down my fork. I can't even eat.

"In order for this deal to work you have to be respectful."

"Oh I'm sorry, Good morning dad, how was your day? Actually how has the last five years been? Oh, mine has been shit ever since mom-"

He banged his fist on the table, "Enough!" He said through gritted teeth. The diner got quiet and everyone stared to stare.

"Killed herself." I finished. "Oh I'm sorry," I cooed, "Did that sting dad?" I questioned with fake concern in my voice.

I stood up from my seat, and threw some money on the table. "Breakfast was a delight. I'll see you later."

I slammed my car door shut and started to bang on the steering. "I fucking hate him!"

I sped out the parking lot and made my way to school. This is the last place I want to be at. But I guess it's better than being alone... and I get to see Layla. Even though she wants nothing to so with me right now, I can still look at her.

After five minutes I finally arrived at school, I parked in my same spot. I took a deep breath, to calm myself.

"You're back!"

I looked out the window to see Layla and her friend hugging. I remember everything from that night, how her skin was baby soft, how she smelt like mangos, how she felt in my hands, the sounds she made and how she taste.

I started to heat up and all the blood from my body rushed to my dick. Fuck.

She even said she loved me, did she mean it or was it just in the moment.

I was cut off from my thoughts when Darrien started knocking on my window. "I need to speak to you, now!" His voice was urgent.

I looked down and it was still up. "J-Just give me a second."

I swear she's going to give me blue balls.




"What's up?" I opened my locker and pulled out some Doritos that I had stored in there.

"Okay, well..." His eye wandered around the hall, almost as if he was stalling.


"Come in the room." He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into an empty classroom, and shut the door.

He cleared his throat, "This morning Roxy needed a gun."

"What the hell does she need another gun for?" I questioned.

"I don't know. But it doesn't matter Because she couldn't get one."

"What do you mean she couldn't get one?"

"Everything is gone."

"What?" I frowned.

"Someone found it and broke in."

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