"Oh, why didn't Harry tell me?" I frown trying not to look hurt.

"It came up this morning. It was unexpected, no one knew about it. He left earlier, but ya know Harry being Harry, didn't have the heart to wake you up." He grins smugly as I blush furiously.

"Do you know when he will be back then?" I ask, completely ignoring his comment.

"I dunno." He frowns "It might take them all day I honestly don't know, sorry Lou."

"It's fine, don't worry." I give him a small reassuring smile and ruffle his hair causing him to grin widely again.

"On a lighter note, Harry wants me to make sure you eat a proper breakfast, so what are you fancying?" He asks opening and closing cupboards before pulling out a pan.

"Um, can I just have some scrambled eggs?" I ask unsurely.

"Do you want toast with that?" He asks getting the eggs out of the fridge. I shake my head causing him to sigh. "You sure Lou?" He questions, looking at me with a slight frown.

"I'm sure. I'm just not hungry right now, I'll eat more for lunch." I say, watching him nod his head before going back to make my scrambled eggs.

We eat our breakfast in silence and I know Niall's worried by the frown evident on his forehead. We stay silent as we pick up our school bags and head to Niall's car. Even the drive is silent and it's starting to make me nervous. He's never this silent. He parks the car and cuts the engine off, before turning in his seat to look at me. Great, he looks worried and scared now.

"You are okay right? Like your happier now yeah?" He asks biting his lips anxiously, as I stare at him in shock. Okay that's not what I expected.

"I'm fine." I say slowly, confused as to why he's bringing that up.

"I'm sorry it's just ugh." He cuts himself off and rubs his hands over his face. "It's just I'm worried about you, we all are. You've just been acting off recently and were scared you are going to start cutting again." He breathes, sounding close to tears.

I feel my heart drop and tears spring to my eyes. So they have noticed then, that explains why I always have company with at least one of them.

"No Ni, I'm fine. I'm a lot better now, then what I was before. I've got you guys now remember." I smile weakly at him. He smiles back but it doesn't quite reach his eyes and I know he's still worried. He reaches across the console and gives me a hug, my eyes burn as I try to keep the tears in. It's too overwhelming. I have to leave four of the bests guys I've ever met, one in which I love with all my heart and I have to leave it all. Whenever things finally start getting better, something always happens to ruin any chance of happiness.

"Well I don't have the first period with you, but I promised Harry I'd walk you to your lessons so let's go." He beams at me and I know our conversation from earlier is forgotten. "I'll come here and meet you so we can walk to second." He smiles before walking the opposite way we came. I shake my head before sluggishly walking over to my seat. I hate this class, none of the boys are in it but Aiden is.

I scowl when he walks past me to his seat, bumping my shoulder harshly on the way.

"Where's your boyfriend today then?" He sneers sitting in the seat behind me. I decide to ignore him and start copying down the notes from the board. "Listen to me when I'm talking to you bitch." He kicks my chair, causing me to whimper.

"Leave me alone." I say brokenly causing him and his mate to snigger.

"So the bitch speaks." He chuckles darkly. "You do realise Harry doesn't actually love you right? He's probably only using you for sex. I mean you are an omega that is all your worthy for, a sex toy for us alphas." He sneers. I squeeze my eyes shut in attempts to block him out.

No, it's not true Harry does love me. If he wanted to use me as a sex toy, we would have done it by now.

"Oh wait no, let me guess you're too afraid to put out for your alpha. You are such a disgrace to your family name. You're a worthless piece of shit, you're pathetic at everything. No wonder Harry left you alone here today, probably had enough of dealing with a whiny failure of an omega." He spits before reaching over and punching me hard on my back, knocking the breath out of me.

I struggle to breathe as the pair laugh maniacally behind me. I open my eyes and let the first few tears fall. What if he's right? What if the real reason why Harry left this morning, was because he wanted to get away from me? As the tears start to stream down my cheeks, I silently pack up my things, shoving them in my bag before running out the classroom.

I hear loud laughter and a shout of "TOMLINSON." But I ignore it and continue to run to my locker, shoving my bag in, before making a beeline towards the schools' entrance. As soon as I push open the doors, I shift into my wolf form before I start running. Vision blurry by my never-ending tears.

Realisation hits me causing me to stop running. This is my chance to leave. Even if Harry doesn't love me, I'm doing this to protect the ones I do love. I look around and take in my surroundings. I soon realise I'm by Harry's treehouse, sighing in relief I walk up the stairs slowly. 

This wasn't how I planned to leave I haven't got anything. No money, no clothes, nothing. As I finally reach the door of the treehouse I push it open. Gasping as I see Jason standing in the middle of the small room, evil grin etched on his face.

"Hello Lewis." He spits, before everything turns black.


"LOUIS BABY WAKE UP! PLEASE WAKE UP!" I hear someone shout, jostling me out of my sleep. I sit up gasping for air, as Harry comes into view looking scared and worried. He reaches his hand over towards my face, causing me to whimper and cower away from him in reflex. I hear his gasp but I decide against looking at his face. "Lou baby, it's just a nightmare." He whispers cautiously wrapping his arms around my middle before pulling me to settle on his chest. 

It was just a dream, it's just a dream, I keeping repeating to myself like a mantra. Harry's here he's still here, he does love me, Harry does love me it was just a dream. I sob into Harry's neck as he runs his hand up and down my back soothingly. It takes a while for my sobs to calm down into small hiccups. "You're okay love, I've got you." He keeps whispering in my ear, soon enough making me go lax in his arms. "What happened love?" He whispers pecking my forehead as he feels me tense.

"It was nothing." I lie, curling in on myself more.

"Louis, I know you are lying so tell me." He grumps and I can feel him pout into my hair, causing me to give a small watery smile at his cuteness.

"It was just a dream about Aiden and Jason." I mutter quietly, feeling his arms go tense at the mentions of their names.

"Don't worry love, I'm not going to let anything happen to you." He says sternly.

"I know." I whisper back.

"I love you Lou, get some sleep love." He murmurs sleepily, kissing the top of my head.

"I love you too H, goodnight." I mutter quietly. I wait until his breathing evens out before slowly placing his arm off my waist. I sit up and stare down at my love, watching a small frown make its way on his godlike face. I know he's going to hate me for leaving, but I have to do what's right. I stand up and place a kiss on his forehead, watching the way his lips flutter at my movement. I pick up some black skinny jeans and Harry's maroon sweater before sliding them on with my black converse.

I grab a piece of paper and a pen before sitting down on the small desk chair.


Please don't come after me, it's for your own safety.

I love you Harry, never forget that. Love from your Lou. X

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