I blink away whatever expression is across my face and walk back over to him to sit in the chair beside him. As soon as I'm seated, he sets the candy on the ground and turns his body toward me, resting his hands on my knees.

I raise  my eyes up at him and force a smile, "'Mister Draco.'"

He gives me a knowing look, making me give him a closed lip smile and nod my head once at him.

I'm okay, really.

But Vinnie pulls me forward, wrapping his arm around my head and kissing my temple. "We can go home."

"No. Fucking. Way."

We both lift our heads up to Alex and Kouvr standing in front of us, the two of them in matching pink and blue unicorn onesies, staring back at Vinnie and I with wide eyes.

Alex slowly lifts his phone and his flash goes off toward us, making Vinnie shoot up out of his seat, and I lower my head into my hands.

Of course.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" Vinnie seethes with his hands balled at his sides.

I lift my head and look between them, "I thought you two were still in New York?"

Alex grabs Kouvrs hand and lifts it, showing off her engagement ring and a band under it, "We got married and wanted to come back to be with friends."

Vinnie and I both stare at the two of them, and then he slowly turns to me, looking to me to confirm that I heard the same thing that he did so he turns back to them and waves his hands in front of himself.

"Married?" Vinnie questions them, "So you guys aren't going to have a big wedding? No orgy's or-"

A family gives Vinnie dirty looks as they walk past, looking at us with frowns on their faces so he looks back at me for help again.

"We thought you guys weren't just gonna jump right in." I explain for him, "It's been seven days."

"Actually it was four." Alex shrugs his shoulders, looking over to Kouvr fondly, "We just hung out in New York for a couple days for some sex party's and came back."

So they did go to a few Orgy's.

"Alex." Vinnie calls his friends name in a frustrated tone. "You got married, shouldn't you be on a honeymoon or some shit?"

I rest my hand on Vinnies arm, and look up at our friend, "What he's trying to say, is that getting married is special, and you two want to spend it here with us?"

Alex smiles at us and pulls Kouvr around the table to pop a squat on the bed of our truck, the both of them sitting behind Vinnie and I. "There's no where we'd rather be."

Vinnie grumbles something under his breath and turns away from them, obviously pissed, so We all three stare at him for a beat, waiting for him to share what he's thinking but he just huffs out and shakes his head at them, turning away with his arms crossing over his chest. I glance at Kour sideways, but she's hiding (and failing) a massive smile as she kicks her feet.

I clear my throat, "So- why are you guys here, like in the parking lot here right now?"

Kouvr speaks up, "We saw that they were doing this and I just wanted to see the decorations. I thought it would be cute."

"Yea," Alex adds on, leaning forward to pat Vinnie on the top of the head, "I didn't think I'd be rice krispy treated to seeing Draco Malfoy."

"I'll kill you Alex."

I lean over and pick up the bowl of candy, taking over the handing out. Kouvr and Alex really don't bug us, and after about fifteen minutes of them being there, Vinnie finally lightens up and joins back into the conversation. He tells them about the little Russian girl, having a proud boyfriend moment that makes me smile.

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