Chapter 13: Temple Raider

Start from the beginning

Anakin: Well, well, look who's on two feet again. How's the shoulder?

Jerome: Numb, same as the rest of the arm.

He grumbled, gesturing to the sling with a hiss upon attempting to move it.

Rex: Well, after what you pulled, there'll be some Bacta waiting once this is over.

The captain said before waving over the other clones, Ahsoka among their number. The young Padawan nudged Jerome as the search party began making their way towards the doors that would lead inside the giant structure.

Ahsoka: You sure you shouldn't be sitting this out? I don't want you breaking your other arm now.

She quipped, receiving only an eye roll from her fellow Jedi in training, pulling the blaster pistol from his hip.

Jerome: Don't tempt me, Twin-tails.

He replied in kind, watching as Ahsoka shook her head and readied her lightsaber. The massive plasteel door began to open upon the party drawing close, the sunlight illuminating just the first few feet inside the structure. Switching on their headlamps, Rex, Owl, and the clones moved into a rear guard for their Force-sensitive commanders, thin beams scanning across the cold interior of the unlit corridor.

Rex: I don't like this place. It gives me the creeps.

Jerome: Yeah, especially with the door opening on its own. Any idea what this place is?

He asked, craning his head as they progressed deeper into the compound. Ahsoka, similarly letting her eyes drift, hummed to herself, drawing Anakin and Jerome's gaze to the Togruta.

Ahsoka: Well, it looks like a B'omarr monk monastery. I read about them in my studies at the temple.

Anakin: Smugglers tend to turn these places into their little retreats.

Ahsoka: And the monks just let them?

Anakin: Well, smugglers typically get what they want, one way or another.

He said, giving his Padawan a solemn glance before it snapped deeper into the temple. A loud clanging noise prompted the Jedi knight to ignite his saber as everyone's headlamps pointed directly from where the noise had originated. From which, a singular grey protocol droid moved towards them, unthreateningly, yet still not putting anyone at ease.

Jerome: Well, at least it isn't a battle droid. Who's side are you on?!

He yelled, moving up beside Anakin, hand firmly wrapped around the grip, the protocol droid only speaking once within a few feet of the Jedi General.

Protocol droid: Merely the humble caretaker, O mighty sir. You have liberated me from those dreadful battle bots. I am most thankful.

The droid said. The Republic Troopers slowly lowering their weapons as Anakin deactivated his blade.

Anakin: Where is the Hutt?

Protocol droid: The battle bots kept their prisoners on the detention level. I must warn you it is perilous down there, my friend. Not a place for servants.

It spoke, turning its optics between Jerome and Ahsoka, the latter glaring at the droid before igniting her green blade at the droid's throat.

Ahsoka: Do servants carry these? I am a Jedi knight, or soon I will be.

She said, looking back at her master as he glared at the girl. Looking away with disdain, she deactivated her lightsaber and began to walk past the droid.

Protocol droid: A thousand apologies, young one.

It apologized, all of its flattery only putting Jerome more on edge as he began to walk past it.

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