Chapter 13: Temple Raider

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Narrator: After the daring assault conducted by members of the 501st and 717th. Now Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and Padawans Ahsoka Tano and Jerome Cooper must search for the Huttling prisoner, with time ticking against them.

Clone Troopers patrolled the large landing pads around the outside of the temple the Republic had just grueling fought to claim. Many glanced over the sides down to the forest below, checking for any attempt at a sneak attack from more clankers lying in wait. For a few, though, they huddled around the hulking ATTE with the medics, one of which currently was tending to the commander of the 717th.

Mercy: How are you feeling now?

She asked, looking up from the makeshift sling Mercy was able to faction out spare bandages. Her smile grew taunt as her commander nodded, shifting more upright against the leg of the walker, gently rubbing the patch covering his left cheek.

Jerome: Better. My arm still hurts like a bitch, I feel like I could nap for a few days, and I'm currently getting a judgmental look from my captain. So overall, glad not to be dead in contrast to earlier.

He muttered, his gaze shifting towards Owl as he stood there, helmet resting against his hip as the bald clone glared down at him with pursed lips.

Owl: You are aware of how reckless that was, correct?

Jerome: Yup.

Owl: And that you could have very easily died just then?

Jerome: Yeah.

Owl: Sir, you know what would have happened if-

Jerome: If I had died? You would have been reassigned to a new Jedi, but I'm not dead, and neither is Tess.

The commanding officer retorted, gesturing with his chin towards the clone being tended to by another medic from the 501st. The redhead winced as another bandage was tied off around her head, remnants of blood still visible on the underside of her neck and through the ruined cloth lying beside her. Owl's gaze also fell upon her, sighing as he looked back to the young man.

Owl: Yes, yes, you both are. Honesty, I'm glad your droid isn't here to give the odds of your actions.

Jerome: Agreed, better still that a Republic rescue party doesn't show up with a CIS commando droid following a high-ranking officer. But back on topic, I'd do it again before you ask. There was a risk, but after seeing what happened to the others, I saw a chance to save one of my own, and I took it. So, if you want to berate me, wait till James and Liz get done after the debrief.

He said, groaning while getting to his feet under him, giving the medic a slight nod as she assisted the action. Owl shook his head and put his helmet back on.

Owl: No, I'm sure those two and your droids will have plenty of that in store. I'll admit, that was a stroke of luck, but you're certainly someone I can get behind.

Jerome: Ow, you saying you didn't believe in me?

He asked as the two began moving towards Rex and Anakin. The recon captain patted the young man gently on the shoulder as they walked.

Owl: I had my reservations, especially after your first target practice. You were just some civ that got control of an entire unit of soldiers with no training, but over these last few weeks, you've grown into it bit by bit. You have a long road ahead, but you're making a good start. Just don't go jumping off cliffs again.

Jerome: Duly noted, captain.

He said, flashing the clone a smile before whistling as the duo approached. Anakin turning to the young man with a grin crossing his lips.

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