This ones angsty
When the gang is upset/not in a great space:

Robin: she would listen to music and her mind would wander and she would remember all the negative stuff and feel like all she did was all for nothing

Misty: she would make sure she's home alone or alone in her room and just let out her emotions

Phoenix: she would stare at a mirror and constantly punch the wall or counter calling herself a failure for being weak

Ash: he would curle up into a ball and/or hug himself and just cry his eyes out wishing he could do better

Brook: he would lock himself and his room for hours and either cry or just express himself (and he doesn't care if he's shouting as he's found ways to keep noise from escaping his room)

Dawn: she would be down the whole time she's upset and sometimes refuses to do anything at all and just won't ineract with others

Blake: he would punch or kick a wall or what ever is infront of him and just scream cry the whole time asking himself why was he brought into this cruel and awful world

The gang participated in a try not to laugh challenge, misty and dawn lost in the first few minutes robin after 20 minutes of holding it in and brook and ash would laugh after 30 minutes however blake and phoenix would be silent the whole time, the only time they laugh is when someone gets hit (not in a bad way in the unexpected way, like as in a fail)

Playing project playtime:

As the monster:
Robin: is pretty decent at it sometimes she wins sometimes she doesn't
Go to monster: either Huggy Wuggy or Boxy Boo

Misty: is not the greatest, will always get stuck and juked by the other's
Go to monster: any

Phoenix: is pretty good at it, but will lose every now and then
Go to monster: Mommy long legs

Brook: is surprisingly really good at it, hasn't lost as the monster, yet
Go to monster: Boxy boo

Ash: is also pretty good at it, but tends to slip up like Phoenix, but not as much.
Go to monster: Huggy Wuggy and Boxy Boo

Dawn: not to great at it. But, has won a few occasions.
Go to monster: Mommy long legs or Boxy Boo

Blake: a freaking master at it. Always wins
Go to monster: any

As a survivor

Robin: is the team leader. Alway gets the most puzzles solved, uses the leadership perk. Really good at it. Almost never gets caught

Misty: is decent at it. Always waits till the last minute to get away from the monster. Uses the Thinkfast perk. Will get caught sometimes.

Phoenix: sucks at the survivor. Would rather play as a monster. Uses the punching bag perk. Will sometimes get caught

Brook: like Robin, really good at it. Uses the master pianist perk. Gets caught half the time

Ash: a boss at it, second to most puzzles solved. Uses the distant savior perk. Usually never gets caught.

Dawn: amazing at it. Uses the leave no trace perk. Also gets caught half the time.

Blake: pretty decent at it. Is the one who keeps an eye out and warns about monsters. Uses the genius perk. Surprisingly almost never gets caught.

Single/sibling/couple headcanons:

Brook and the rest of his siblings have a movie night every friday and each time they take turns chosing a different movie (but they can't always go with the same movie every time it's their turn)

When brook grows/grew out his hair Ash would often help him brush it out, put it in a ponytail, ect.

Dawn likes to paint Blake's nails and do cool designs on them, and Blake does everything in his power to keep the nails as perfect as possible.

Reggie likes to embarrass brook as much as possible infront of those he dates, when trying that infront of ash he was surprised that ash carried it on (and why I think reggie would approve of Ash).

Whenever brook is really angry at Ash he will call him by his full name (first middle (if he has a middle name) and last name) which would scare ash shitless to the point where he's pale as a ghost and would be planning his funeral and possibly wondering what the fuck happened who died and why.

Whenever brook is upset ash would instantly ask him what's up, and whenever brook would rather not talk about it ash would (I guess in a way) hold him down somewhere and tickle him in his tickle spots so Brook would forget about it and smile again.

Sometimes Robin would often sit in Phoenix's lap without warning, at first Phoenix was like "umm what?" But after a while she got used to it and would snuggle with her.

Blake and Dawn's first date was a walk in the park with them getting boba and ice cream.

The O'Halloran siblings reacting to brook coming out (when he finally has the courage to):

Casey: she would probably be shocked (or she already knew but acted shocked) but then tell brook that she'd love him no matter what.

Spike: he'd pat brook and tell him that's alright then plot things to say if he ever brings a guy in.

Reggie: "I knew you weren't just a ladykiller" but overall he wouldn't care.

Bea: she'd malfunction and be like "whaaaaat!?!? How long?!! Why am I learning this only now!?!?" Ect ect.

James: after explaining it to him he'd shrug at it and say "eh I don't see why that's a big issue".

Billie: after explaining it to her she'd still be confused but say something like "so does that mean you have a boyfriend?".

Phobin and brash double date: Phoenix and Brook took half the time arguing, but they then ran into a Karen who ran her mouth about lgbtq and race and shit- and the two were held back by robin and ash from murdering the karen, the rest of the time spend brook and phoenix sharing ways they can kill the Karen and hide her body- getting along for once and scaring the shit out of Robin and Ash.

Whenever bille likes something she would say "billie approved" and give two big thumbs up.

Ash has slight arachnophobia, he's ok with some spiders but there are some he is really scared of- (I thought this one was funny lmao-).

Robin and Phoenix like cuddle in random places, like the couch, the floor anywhere- you name it.

When Brook and Ash first started dating they were a little awkward with one another and only held each other's hand kissed the other on the cheek, but they eventually settled out of the awkwardness and became more lovable with each other, and they also like to flirt with one another.

Ash often surprises Brook with hugs and kisses, Brook had started doing it after a while and it's something the two often do to show their love and affection for one another.

Brook caught Phoenix crying to herself once and since he was the only other person home he decided to sit with her and help her out, the two had a small bonding moment, and that information has not been let out since that day but when ever the other feels upset and their go to person isn't home they tend to go to the other for help and/or comfort.

I have more headcanons, but I'll save them for another chapter.

And to safire who may read this, I hope you find this interesting. And if anyone has any questions, comments, or concerns please let me know in the comments below.

Until then

Cat~con out

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