Of Porcelain and Blood

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"Six. Six, wake up.. WAKE UP"
Six shot up in her bed. She looked around for any sign of him but, to her dissapointment, nothing. She put a strand of her knee-long hair behind her ear. Six, of course, was an adult now and had came back to the Maw as the Lady. She was the sorta overseer there.

Six got up and started walking to the kitchen to tell the chefs that there'll be more Guests than usual coming
"Chef?" Six says
"Hm?" Chef 1 grunts in a reply
"There'll be more guests than usual, since it's a holiday" Six tells the chefs, the Chefs grunt as an acknowledgement.

Six was walking back to her room until the sounds of footsteps catches her attention. It didn't sound like any of the creatures on the Maw since the footsteps were light and fast. The chefs' footsteps were heavy and slow, and Janitor never ran. He reached. The guests crawled when they want to run
"Who's there!?" Six yells out loud as she brought out a black, smoke-like puff of black magic "... I swear, whoever's there; you will lose organs if you don't come out"
"Okay okay! I'm right here..." the figure said. A girl with long blonde hair, her skin seeming to be porcelain

A/N: yes, I'm putting a random OC here. Why? I don't fackin know

"Huh- wha- WHO ARE YOU!?" Six yells
"I- I- I-" the girl stutters
"Ugh, whatever" Six summons a black cloud and it wraps it around the porcelain girl, dragging her

The bare mannequins stood motionless in piles or in poses beside the walls in Six's, or should I say the Lady's, room. The blonde girl whimpers as she passed the mannequins. The way this was situated was the girl was being dragged behind Six
"Shut up, you pussy" Six scowled as she brought the girl infront of her. Six's blood-red eyes peirced the girl's soul

*timeskip 5 minutes later*
"C- can I go now..?" The blonde girl asks
"Fine. Don't cause any trouble or I will have to kill you" Six threatens
"Yes, ma'am" The blonde girl says as Six's magic loosens its grip

Six sat at her vanity, sort of agressively brushing her hair. She was thinking about the regrets in her life; betraying Mono, not peventing Rcg's death, killing that little boy... she was thinking about how Mono would be here if she wasn't blinded by her own stupidity

She couldn't bear these thoughts any longer

She picked up a pair of scissors and cuts her hair agressively. Her hair now reaching the bottom of her back
"Shame.. I thought your hair looked good for once.." a voice said from behind her. Six's head shoots to face the vanity mirror to see a woman with long black hair, a black dress and ruby-red eyes like hers


The AftermathNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ