Chapter 12: Confrontation, Identity Reveal, Raph vs Leo and Taken

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Raph and Miyuki started running out of the diner

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Raph and Miyuki started running out of the diner. From the roof, Leo threw more darts to cut them off. But that didn’t stop them as they kept running. Leo jumped out of the rooftop to chase them.

"How are we gonna outrun him?" Miyuki asked Raph as they ran to get away from Leo.

Raph gritted his teeth and tried to think. He knows that Leo went out to look for him but Miyuki might get dragged into one of their fights and get hurt.

"We won’t. I am." Raph told her as she looked at him in surprise.

"You get up on the roof and get away. I’ll hold him off." Raph told her but Miyuki was stubborn and won't let him deal with this alone.

"No way I’m leaving you like that." Miyuki said but Raph knew they didn't have time.

"Just do it. I’ll be fine. Go!" Raph reassured her.

Miyuki didn’t wanna listen to what Raph told her to do but she had to. So she ran towards the sidewalk as she jumped on a balcony ladder and started going all the way up to the roof. As she got there, she started to run away but when she did she saw Leo coming her way so she hid quickly. Leo passed by and didn’t notice her thankfully. He kept on running after Raph. Miyuki was about to leave the area but she felt like she could not let Leo catch Raph.

If he finds out that Raph is the Nightwatcher, he's going to blow a fuse. So instead, she decided to keep up with him and Raph, who was running in the street. To catch up with him, Leo jumped off the roof to get on the roof of a cab.

Miyuki opted to follow them from the rooftops. Leo's and Raph's wild ride caused a huge accident. Raph was able to climb higher and the same could be said to Leo but both almost fell off the ladder. He was able to get a grip and climb up. Raph had reached the roof and started running and jumping from roof to roof as Leo chased him all over the rooftops.

Miyuki, who was behind them, lost track of them in that accident.

"Oh no. I lost them. Better find them fast." Miyuki muttered in worry.

While Miyuki starts to look around the area to see if she can find Raph and Leo. The two were on a frenetic chase. Jumping from roof to roof until Raph had run out of roofs go jump and was face to face with a dead-end rooftop as it started raining and behind him stood Leo.

Raph turned to face him as Leo caught his breath.

"I want you to know that I appreciate your intentions but you can't change the world like this! The road you're on is a dead end." Leo told him as if speaking to a stranger.

"Is he kidding?" Raph muttered quietly as he watched Leo pace in front of him.

"I've tried it." Leo continued.

"He's lecturing." Raph muttered with a roll of his eyes.

"So I'm gonna give you one chance to just walk away and stop this vigilante nonsense." Leo finished but Raph wasn't gonna back down without a fight.

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