Day Nine

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"Philadelphia?" I cried, "I don't think I can--"

"Please." He begged, interrupting me mid-sentence.

It was the night before the guys were set to leave. I pondered it for a moment. Ondrej actually wanted me to tag along with him, on a road trip that lead us to Philly. At first, I was hesitant, but eventually gave in.

"Fine," I sighed, "I'll go."

Ondrej smiled.

"Good," he smirked, "You better get your stuff packed."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I chuckled, rolling my eyes. Ondrej passed by me slowly, placing a soft kiss on my cheek as he walked.

"You won't regret it."

And with that, he left and shut the door behind him.

I scanned the room, biting my bottom lip.

Where to begin?

Seeing as how I had finally completely moved in with Ondrej, my clothes were everywhere. Closets and dressers filled with my stuff. Not to mention, all my dresses hanging up in the little closet space Ondrej had of his own.

Though, he never seemed to mind one bit.

I began tearing through my dresser drawers, only to pull out a few days worth of underwear, pants, sock and t-shirts.

Once I had finally finished, it was already eleven at night. From the living room, I could hear the quiet sounds of Ondrej watching TV.

Though, the sound of his cute little snores were unmistakeable.

It was then, that I decided to lay down on the bed, and join him in his peaceful slumber.

"Wake up," Ondrej called, shaking me like mad, "Anna!"

I wanted to; I honestly did, but my body just didn't get the memo. My eyes wouldn't open, and my body was paralyzed. The shaking continued, until I finally broke free of the sick torture it had been putting upon me.

I sat up quickly, my heart pounding and my body damp from sweat. Ondrej pulled me into him, holding me tight. I squeezed him back, not wanting to let go.

"Are you okay?" Ondrej whispered in my ear, concerned.

"Yeah," I furrowed my brows, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You were having a nightmare again." He blurted.

It had become an ongoing occurrence. Me, waking Ondrej up with my night terrors.

"I'm okay," I reassured him, "I swear."

He believed me. For now.

"If you're sure," he scanned my eyes, "Then we better start getting ready. The plane leaves in two hours."

It didn't take long for us to board the plane, and take our usual seats. Across the isle from Chris Thorburn and Evander Kane.

I looked over at Evander, who was already staring in my direction, "I'm not sure we've met." He smiled, "I'm Evander Kane, nice to meet you..."

"Anna Mickova."

Ondrej had told me lots about Evander, and how he'd always try to be smooth around any lady that would give him the time.

"Very Czech," He smirked, placing his headphones back over his ears. "I like it."

I looked over that Ondrej, then, who was already fast asleep, with his head against the window. It was not long after, that I decided to join him in his slumber...

"Ondrej, Anna," a male's voice called, "Get up!"

I couldn't put a face to the voice, until I had fully awoken.

It was Blake Wheeler. We had just arrived in Philly, and we were the last ones on board. I laughed at Ondrej, who seemed to be confused as to where he was and what time it was.

"Come on, Ondra," I said between giggles, "We gotta get to our hotel room."

He nodded and agreed, still slightly dazed.

It was not long after, that we arrived at the place we'd be staying.

"Let's get our stuff to our place quick," Ondrej pressed, practically throwing our bags inside, "We've gotta leave soon."

"What exactly is our rush?" I asked, annoyed.

He flashed four small rectangular sheets of paper in front of my face. At first, I was confused, until we finally arrived.

"So, we're actually at a Bruce Springsteen concert?" I questioned, my voice high-pitched like a child.

Ondrej draped an arm around me, pulling me close.

"That isn't even the best part..." His voice trailed off as he turned us to the entrance.

"Well, well, well," an all-too-familiar voice called from across the arena, "Long time no see, huh?"

"Jakub?" I cried, running into his arms, "Jakub Voracek?"

"That's my name!" He cried, placing me back down onto my feet.

I looked over at the girl next to him and nodded.

"On second thought," Ondrej chimed in suddenly, "The concert was the best part."

"I was wondering why you had four tickets," I smirked, "Kuba's too cheap to buy his own."

"Haha," he said, sarcastically, slugging me in the arm playfully, "You're so funny!"

It was then, that the show began. As I listened to the music played, I couldn't help but look to either side of me. On my left, was the love of my life. His arm was wrapped around my waist, and we were so close, all I could smell was the cologne of his I loved so much. And on my right, was Jakub. He was hand-in-hand with his girlfriend, Nicole, while they were both singing along to the song together.

It was quite cute, to be completely honest.

Though, Ondrej and I had decided to take the quiet, 'embrace the moment' approach, like we normally do.

I loved him so much... It was just a shame it couldn't be like this for much longer...



It's been awhile since I last updated, so here you guys go! It's not very good and it's kinda short, but it'll have to do for now. Hope you enjoy!
I also wanted to let any of you Degrassi fans know, that I will be publishing the first part to my new Zig Novak fanfic entitled "November", along with the sequel to this story, called "Two Years Later". Stay tuned!

Love you all,
Courtie :) xx

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