Epilogue - Day Thirteen

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Before you read this chapter, please be warned, that this does touch on a sensitive topic. There are a few things said in this chapter, that I have only written for this story, AND THIS STORY ONLY! Absolutely none of this is meant to hurt, or be taken to heart by ANYONE. This is just a story, and I don't want ANY of you beautiful people to be hurt by it.

Now, please, feel free to continue on reading. I really appreciate it!


"I like to think she went peacefully." He said, choking back tears.

Tears that weren't meant to be spent upon me.

Because I finally did it.

"I loved her more than anything in the world..."

It was a rainy Sunday afternoon, and our apartment was quiet. Ondrej and the guys had a road-trip in Phoenix, and I was lonely. He had asked for me to come along, but I didn't want to intrude.

He knew how I'd been feeling, and I knew it was out of guilt.

To set the record straight, I didn't do it for or because of him... I didn't do it for my family and friends... I did it for me. To stop the hurting and all the pain.

"She was the most beautiful woman whom I ever laid eyes on..."

Many people would say I had everything; a loving boyfriend, a beautiful home, and lots of friends and family.

It may be a lot, but it doesn't promise happiness. Nothing really does. No matter how hard I tried to convince myself I was happy, there was this ugly, nagging voice that told me different.

Ever since I was fourteen.

"Heaven gained a new angel..."

Later on that gloomy Sunday, I had contemplated many things. And I searched for many reasons not to; to no avail.

I couldn't push that voice out of my mind.

You're worthless...

You don't deserve to be here...

No one would care if you're dead or alive.

Needless to say, I cried myself to sleep most every night.

"I loved to spend my days with her..."

Ondrej had given me a reason to smile.

Just the way he treated me; like a queen. It feels amazing when you know how much someone loves you, and how much you truly love them back.

Although, I knew how much I loved him before his return into my life.

That is why I left him - and only him - a few of my finest words, placed on a piece of scrap paper, for him to remember me by.

I was always happy when I was around him. He always made me smile, or laugh, whenever I was feeling down.

Just when I thought all hope was lost, Mr. Ondrej Pavelec waltz's his way back into my life.

I like to call him my guardian angel.

While, anytime he was around me, I felt amazing, anytime he wasn't around... That's when the voice really began to echo.

"Her smile could light up the darkest of rooms..."

I had always tried to push the voices to the back of my mind. Day after day, I had tried my damnedest to keep them from possessing me.

The devil truly did live inside of me. And at some point, I began to embrace it.

Don't ask me how or when, but I did it.

"Oh, what I would give to hear her beautiful voice, just one more time..."

If I could take this all back, I'm not sure I would.

The only thing that is for certain, is that I'd take away Ondrej's sadness in a heartbeat. A man like him doesn't deserve to be hurt... Especially over a woman like me.

There are many other girls out there, whom are much, much prettier than I.

And I wasn't the competitive type, either.

I had already lost.

"To hear her laugh..."

The game of life is the hardest game I've ever played, which left me with nothing to do but quit.

I gave it my all, but my all, just wasn't good enough.

And as for all of you reading this, I just want you to know, that there truly is someone out there who cares about you deeply. You are worth it, you do deserve it, and don't you ever think different.

Don't cry for me, for I'm in a better place.

Don't cry for me. Instead, replace those tears with your famous smile.

Because we all lose someone at some point in our lives, but don't ever let go of that smile.

Hold on forever, because that's our final dedication.

"To share one last kiss..."

Another regret I had, was never really saying goodbye to my parents.

The last time I had ever talked to them, I said I hated them, and that Canada would help me escape the hell I was in.

It did, but not for very long.

"To say... Goodbye..."

I never meant to hurt anyone. My soul intension was just to benefit myself, and everyone around me.

For, if I could take away the pain, I would.

I wanted my life to be remembered in the happier sense, back to the time when none of this happened. When we were all younger, and happier. All the memories we shared, I never wanted them to fade.

And today, those will be the ones I bring with me, and hold close forever.

"I love you, Anna Mickova. I always have, always will." He finished, wiping away the tears.


Later that day, the rain still never let up.

It reminded her of that Sunday, not all that long ago.

But still, he took a few moments from his life, just for her. He went down on one knee, only to trace the stone in front of him.

Anna Mičková

Before the tears that stung his eyes could fall, he began to tear at the dirt bellow him softly, tossing away the wet earth. And from his pocket, he retrieved a small, velvet box, in which he removed a ring. With a heavy heart, she watched as he placed it within the earth that she now called home. The pain in his eyes was unbearable, as he began to return the soggy mud he had displaced.

Standing up, he sighed, as he brushed off all the dirt; his limbs heavy and his face tearstained.

"You know, we finally did it. As I promised, we were going to go back home and start a family. Now look, we're here, in the Czech Republic. Together. Forever."

Don't waste anymore tears on me...

For, I did go peacefully, Ondrej.

Now, sleep easy, my love.

"Those twelve days were the best days of my life, because I got to spend them with you."

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