Magical Aerial Soccer

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Chapter 9

As they entered November, the weather turned very cold. Not only had the mountains around the castle turn into a steely ice, the Quidditch season has begun aswell. On Saturday, Anya and Harry would be playing their first ever game of Quidditch after weeks of training: Gryffindor vs Slytherin. If Gryffindor won, they would move up into second place in the House Championship. Anya was doing alright even with the mass amounts of homework and last minute Quidditch practices. Harry on the other hand was glad Hermione became his friend as he wouldn't have been able to complete all his homework without her. Hermione became more comfortable with breaking a few rules after they saved her from the mountain troll. The day before the Quidditch match, they were out in the freezing courtyard. Hermione conjured a bright blue flame to keep them warm. They were standing, with their backs face to it, getting warm, when Snape crossed the yard. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Anya blocked the flame from Snape's view as Hermione was sure that it wasn't allowed. Unfortunately, something about Harry's, Ron's and Hermione's guilty faces caught Snape's eye. Anya mentally face-palmed as she was the only one who kept a straight face. She is the daughter of a spy and an assassin, afterall. But now that she thought about it, what was her real parents like? Maybe if she wasn't brainwashed by that stupid organization, should she have been able to recall what her parents were like, but they're dead now... Gone forever.

"What's that in your hands, Potter?" Snape asks, not noticing the blue flame for some reason.

It was Quidditch through the Ages, Harry showed.

"Library books are not to be taken outside" Snape said. "Give me that, and five points will be taken from Gryffindor"

"He probably made that rule up" Harry said, bitterly.

"Why'd you think he's limping?" Hermione asks.

"I don't know, I just hope it hurts" Ron said darkly.

Anya once again tries to read Snape's mind but failed, once again blocked by that stupid wall.

The Gryffindor common room was very noisy that evening. Hermione was helping Ron and Harry with their Charms homework while Anya was chatting with Damian near the fireplace. Harry, becoming restless with every second as his nervousness also grew, decided to ask Snape if he could have his book back.

"And risk losing points for Gryffindor again?" Anya said, getting up. "I think I'll have a better chance."

Harry shrugs as she was right, Snape like her more as opposed to Snape disliking Harry.

Anya went down to staff room, assuming that Snape might be there. As she arrived at the door of the staff room, she knocks.. No answer.

"Professor Snape?" Anya asks.

There was a rustle before Snape could say:

"Come in"

Anya opens the door and sees Snape's leg, bloody and mangled, before his robes could cover it.

"May I help you, Miss Talton?" Snape said.

"Um, do you still have the Quidditch through the Ages book, sir?" Anya politely asks.

"What's your business with it?" Snape asks.

"I wanted borrow it this evening, to prepare for tomorrow's match" Anya says.

The Tarantera Telepath in The Wizarding World [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now