Chapter Sixty Three.

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Chapter Sixty Three

SYDNEY LET OUT a low sigh when she sank into the tub full of ice

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SYDNEY LET OUT a low sigh when she sank into the tub full of ice.  She and Miguel filled the bathtub with buckets of ice because Sydney desperately ended to relieve the tension in her bones.  She took ice baths regularly because of dance so she was used to cold.  She suddenly remembered she forgot to grab her clothes from her room.  "Hey Mig?"

"Yeah?"  He said from her room.

"Will you bring me the clothes that are on my dresser?"  She asked loudly,  hoping he would bear her.

After a few seconds,  Miguel entered the bathroom.  "Here you—Whoa."

Miguel's eyes widened at the sight of her.  Her brown hair was tied up and her body was sunken in the tub of eyes,  revealing her exposed collarbone bones.  Miguel was never a believer in collarbones being a distraction but now he was reconsidering. 

Sydney smirked slightly at his reaction.  "You okay?"

Miguel stood there silently for a minute then he blinked rapidly.  "Y-Yeah,  totally.  Absolutely."

Sydney giggled.  "You're blushing."

He most definitely was.  He cleared his throat and sat her clothes on the sink.  He looked around her bathroom in amazement,  mostly trying not to stare at her for too long.  "Your bathroom is bigger than my whole apartment."

"Yeah,  that was the one thing I wanted was my own bathroom.  That and my walk in closet."

"You do have a big closet,"  he nodded.  He looked back at her and blinked again,  quickly looking away.

Though Miguel and Sydney had been together for nearly a year,  they weren't really physical.  The most they had done was very hot and heavy make out sessions.  The physical stuff in a relationship is something they didn't really focus on.  Quality time is what they liked to focus on.  Also with how busy they both were with dance and karate,  they didn't really have time for anything else.

But Miguel would be lying if he said he wasn't thinking about it while right now.

"I'll be out in a little bit if you want to watch a movie.  I can feel my muscles relaxing already,"  he explained.

Miguel nodded.  "Right,  yeah.  I'll do that."

He quickly exited the bathroom and leaned his back against the door.  He sucked in a deep breath and felt his face grow very hot.  He walked over to her bed and laid on his back.  He ran his hands down his face.  "Get a grip on yourself,"

Miguel considered himself to be one of the luckiest guys in the entire world to have someone as beautiful as Sydney.  Every guy in the Valley fawned over her and tried to get with her.  It often made the girls at West Valley jealous.  Miguel wondered all the time how someone like him was able to get someone like her.  He never thought she would even blink an eye at him.

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