Earth's Dream

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Earth and Mars were playing cards,when Mars had a sad look on his face.Earth:"whats wrong?something bothering you?"Mars doesn't say anything,Meanwhile Earth attempts to sleep in his dream not knowing it was a dream,then Earth hears Mercury's scream Earth rushes to see what is going on,but Venus says not to go any further Earth wondered why so he asked Venus just says he saw Mercury's remains go all the way into the asteroid belt.Earth just brushed off of what just happened,and tried to rest,but of course another thing that kept him up.

Mars ran directly towards him and told him to run Earth,then noticed a shadowy figure chasing Mars,but then stopped to chase Earth instead. Mars didn't want Earth to know about something....

Mars side of the story

Mars heard about the whole Mercury thing,then gets chased randomly.and tries to go to the Earth for the Earth is getting chased.Mars decides to help his friend,and bonked the thing with a asteroid the shadowy figure left to go to the asteroid belt.

Earth wakes up,and tells his planet friends the crazy dream he had,but Mars already knows....

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