Chapter 2: Solangelo

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requested by: KarissaT99

DISCLAIMER: All characters belong to Rick Riordan.

i'm sorry for things being late! i was very busy dec/jan. also, it'll mostly be in nico's pov, but me and TheKOTLCpath came up with this crazy idea, so it'll have little (aka a lot) of spots of other's pov's. also, the timing is gonna be a bit weird, so I can fit all the info in. ok, here it is!

Nico's POV

"Nico, you in there?" I heard a voice say, then soft knocking on the door. I got out of my bunk in my cabin and walked up to open the door. When I did, I found Annabeth standing there.

"Annabeth, why're you here?" I asked, confused.

"Just take the envelope," she said with a wink, then left, slamming the door behind her.

I sighed, then sat down to open the envelope. Inside, there was a note with Annabeth's neat handwriting:

Be at the canoe lake by 6. Don't be late.

Hmm. What was this all about? I looked at the time, which read 5:54 PM. Six more minutes. Might as well go now and see what Annabeth was talking about.

I put on my sweater, since it was getting cold outside, and I took my Stygian iron sword from its current place on my desk (you never know when you'll encounter monsters) and wrapped its scabbard around my waist. I dropped the sword into its sheath with a clunk! and headed out.

When I walked past Cabin 13, I saw Percy and Will talking at the door of the Apollo cabin. Will. My heart fluttered and I could feel my cheeks heat up.

I shook my head. Nope, I do not have a crush on Will Solace, the most handsome and good-looking—

Shut up, di Angelo, I told myself as I walked over to the canoe lake. I have no clue why Annabeth wanted me to come here, but I didn't want to be alone, so I hope she'd make it quick.

As I was sitting there, I heard rustling. "Hello?" I called out, hoping it wasn't a monster. I brought out my sword, waiting for whatever was hiding in the bushes.

Percy's POV

--Earlier at the Apollo cabin--

"Hey, Will," I called out, seeing Will standing in the doorway to Cabin 7. "Whatcha doin'?"

"Nothing," he replied.

"Here, take this envelope, will you?" I asked, holding out the red envelope.

"Ok . . . ?" he said, unsure of what was in there.

"Oh, it's nothing bad," I assured him. "In fact, you'll be so happy, you'll start glowing!" I laughed.

"Oh, shut up, Jackson," Will muttered.

I laughed again. "See ya!"

--Time skip to when Nico's at the canoe lake--

"Shhh, Percy," Annabeth scolded. "Nico's not supposed to hear us!"

"I can't help it," I whined. "The leaves are itchy!" Even though it was dark, I could practically hear Annabeth rolling her eyes at my comment. Annabeth, Leo, Hazel, and I were hiding in the bushes a few yards away from the lake, so we could spy on Nico and Wi—what? I didn't say anything! Not a single word about spying!

While we were quietly whisper–talking, I must've stepped on a twig, since I heard Nico saying, "Hello?" Leo, Hazel, Annabeth, and I went deathly still. After a long while, I heard Nico sheathing his sword again. We let out a quiet sigh of relief.

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