chapter 0 The Past

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The archons and Barbatos yelled back and forth. "OH MY, BARBATOS ACT YOUR AGE!!!!" Morax yelled. Tears fell down Barbatos they were noticeable despite his hood covering his face the only one's face that was still hided. "Lets calm down" Tsaritsa goddess of ice said trying to calm the room. The room filled with a strong wind filled the room this wind cause Murata god of fire to fall out of his chair. "I'M DONE!!!" Barbatos yelled before running out of the room. The Archons looked everywhere even his newly formed nation. Barbatos.....was never heard from or seen again. Every year on April 4, they visited Monstadt with a hope of finding Barbatos.

Now what happened to Barbatos?

After he left and never used his god form again. He meant a mortal who name has been forgotten in history with blue hair and fair skin. They fell in love. They were married after 3 years and she was 5 mouths pregnant when she started to have a decrease in health she had to have emergency c-sesshin for a changes for the baby to live. So on June 16th Venti Anemo 2 pounds 1 ounce despite being born 4 mouths early he was heathy but his mother didn't make it. when the Venti was 7 Barbatos past his powers to Venti. Barbatos started to lose his life leaving Venti alone with the last wish to watch over Monstadt as a person who had a Anemo vision. 

This is were our story begins.

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