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Narrator POV :

After Riko told them what kiyopon did there were tons of mix emotions even his best friends

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Silence filled the gym

Atsu : So.. Kiyo-chin..

Kirio : ... He.. He wouldn't..

Matsumoto : .. Tetsuya-kun..

Jyuro : .. I.. Can't..

The latter can't produce what their saying in full sentences

Akashi : .. Is all this true Kiyotaka?
(Changed the way akashi call kiyopon because I figured out he calls his team by first names)

Kiyotaka : .. I mean.. What else I'm I supposed to say? If I say no you think anyone here would believe me?

Kiyotaka said trying to lift up the tense atmosphere by a little

Kirio : Now's not the time to use sarcasm kiyo.. Is this really true?

Kiyotaka looked away from them and stared at the ground thinking 'What a lovely floor' and tried to distract himself

Riko : At least apologize for what you did to us if you still want to continue whatever relationship you have with them

Riko said and Seirin agreed, the idiot latter agreed and the GOM as well.. His best friends too

Kiyotaka : .. What if.. I say no?.. What if.. I don't want to continue this friendship.. What if.. It's my fate to be alone my whole life..

Kiyotaka said mumbling the last sentence but Kirio and Atsushi heard the last part which made them frown by kiyotaka's negative thinking

Kirio : .. "Friends can betray us and make us hurt.. Best friends might leave us.. But the people who love you all their life will be by your side at the hardest time"

Said kirio, Atsushi understood what kirio is trying to do

Atsushi : "Love has the greatest possibility to hurt us and break us but it can also heal us and fix us.. A double edge sword"

Kirio : "Negative thinking won't guide you to happiness instead it'll guide you to an endless misery.. So think positively while you can"

Atsushi : "It's hard saying goodbye to the people you love, it's hard to say sorry to the people you hurt.. But it's also hard to continue living on when you have no one left"

The GOM, the idiot latter and Seirin are quite confused by this.. But didn't speak as they can read the room

Kirio : .. "What hurts more? Leaving the people you love or leaving yourself?"

Atsushi : "People can try not to cry but if someone ask 'Are you okay?' They'll burst into tears Because they think somebody finally notice their not looking so great"

Kiyotaka opened his mouth hesitantly trying to talk.. After mustering the courage he decided to speak

Kiyotaka : "Everybody wants love, money or fame but I just want my parents to say they're proud of what I do and love me as who I am.. Because them saying it is different then anyone else"

Kirio looked at kiyotaka and so did Atsushi and both of them warmly smiled at kiyotaka who is on the verge of tears but tries to act tough

Akashi : "Reading the room is important because if you're at a funeral and you started singing some hip hop song.. That won't end well.."

Akashi said shaking his head left and right, then giggles can be heard even Seirin is giggling

Kagami : "Basketball is life!"

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