~A challenge~

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I repeat this is not a chapter but more likely a challenge to you fellow readers.. hehehe..

I challenge you readers to share this book to any person you know.. And if I got about uhm let's say.. More then 40 readers then I'll create another chapter.. But don't worry I'll create chapter 5 and 6 but not chapter 7

So yea.. I'll basically do this challenge more often but please do look forward to chapter 5..i am already making chapter 5 and let's say that.. It will be an interesting chapter...

As long can y'all like.. Comment in this book? I feel lonely not being able to see a single comment.. I thought some inside jokes I made here are funny you can even say punny..okay I'll stop

But let the challenge start after chapter 6..dont disapoint me now.. Hehhehe well then.. Will you guys be able to achieve such challenge? Or will you see this story is discontinued?

I look forward on this challenge!


Isn't expecting the unexpected make the unexpected expected? Does that make sense?


Why is science becoming math? Because there's this thing called the periodic table of elements.. And I have a hard time memorizing them.. I am also at collage now.. All I can remember are the things we breath man don't make it complicated🥲

Teachers teach right? No actually they make things more complicated.. Like why?

That is all.. I hope I gave y'all a migraine from this shower and bed thoughts of mine😊

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