Episode 2

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Orel woke up late for the first time in years, it was monday and Orel really wanted to talk to someone he trusted before he could go on about his life again, he was thinking about who he could possibly talk to when he saw his lucky bible on his bedside table and it immideatly reminded him of reverend Putty. The problem was that he would only be able to see him sunday but he couldn't wait much longer, he knew he had to talk to someone he trusted that wasn't involved in the situation like Stopframe or his parents obviously, so he put on his winter shoes, pants and his ugly christmas sweater Coach had given him just days before.

He decided to sneak out of his house, as he made his waydown the stairs he saw Shapey and Block were playing in the living room with the gift they were given the day before by Coach, he opened the door quietly as to not catch any attention from his "brothers" or parents. As soon as he stepped outside he felt the post-Christmas breeze touch his face, it smelled like baked cookies. Orel looked around the corner of his house where he saw them in the window of his kitchen wich meant his mother was there, so she wouldn't notice he wasn't home for a while. He decided to make his way to the church since that's where the reverend always is. Making his way through the neighborhood Orel passed by Doughey's house where he saw him sitting in front of his house on the stairs. As he looked, Doughey noticed Orel's presence:

-Hey Orel! What are you doing out here?

-Well I could ask you the same. Why aren't you inside?

-Oh my parents aren't home I think.


-Did you get any cool gifts yesterday Orel?

-Hmm well, no. I got this sweater the other day though!

Orel wasn'telling the whole truth, but he didn't want to drag Doughey into his problems. He wasn't like his parents.

-Oh. Well, where are you going?

-To church!

-Can I come with you?

I'm sorry Doughey, but this is a private moment between God and man.

-Well ok...

-Bye Doughey!

-Bye Orel...

Orel continued making his way to the church. When he got there he knocked on the big door at the entrance and waited a few minutes for Putty to answer.

-Uh. Weird, he usually comes really fast and tells me to go home.

He wandered around the church to check the window to his office. He wasn't there. Orel started to think about where he could be until he remembered:

-Oh right! He must be home, pretty weird. If I was him I'd just stay at church!

Orel knew where Putty lived but always forgot about it until it was needed, he wasn't too far away so he decided he might as well go see him, since he wasn't at church he probably wasn't busy. As he got closer to the reverend's door he heard giggling and someone talking, it felt really familiar, he didn't wanna disturb Putty or whoever was with him but he really needed to talk to someone of faith, so he knocked on the door.

-Who's the- Orel? What are you doing here? - Reverend Putty asked as he opened the door.

-Well, I needed to talk to someone so I came to look for you at church but you weren't there.

-Well I don't know if now is the right ti-

Just as Putty was finishing his sentence someone cut him off.

-What is it? Orel!?

It was Stephanie, Orel recognized her right away, it was impossible not to recognize her.

-Stephanie? What are you doing here?

-Come in Orel, we'll tell you inside. - said Putty, hurrying to avoid being seen by anyone.

Orel walked into the house. Just as he entered he could see to his right the living room where a table with two cups of tea as well as a plate with a few crumbs of something (probably cake) rested. He entered the living room and took a seat on the sofa.

-Do you want tea too Orel? - Stephanie asked with a smile.

-Sure Stephanie, thanks.

Stephanie headed to the kitchen to get tea, while Putty sat next to Orel on the sofa.

-So what's wrong Orel? - Putty asked trying to make Orel forget about the fact that Stephanie was there. He knew he was a kind kid but it was something he didn't really wanna share yet, specially as a supposed man of God.

-Well... My parents don't like each other, I think they never did to begin with...

Putty knew that, it was common knowledge at that point, but he didn't want to make Orel feel guilty, so he asked:

-Why do you think that, Orel?

-Well... My dad basically admitted he liked another person, I don't really like him, he doesn't like me either, all he ever did was lie to me, but it makes me wonder if I was ever supposed to be born in the first place.

-Orel. Who made you?

-Well... I know now it's not God's chef, it was my parents right?

-And? Who else?

-I don't know...

-God! God made us all!

-Oh yeah! You're right! But, then why would he make my parents my parents?

-God doesn't make everyone the same, he gave us the gift of freedom, it's not his fault your parents are the way they are, all he wishes is the best for everyone, and you know the pain someone goes throught is part of what makes a person who they are.

-I know that last part well, thanks reverend.

At that moment Stephanie got back with tea, as well as a slice of chocolate cake.

-Thanks Stephanie! I almost forgot you were- Oh, Yeah! That's right, why are you here? You ended up not telling me.

-Orel, so, well, old bones there... he's my father.

-What!? - Orel asked shouting, he couldn't believe it, for a few seconds he thought how cool it was two of his favourite people were related, but at the same time, he couldn't believe Putty had a child after all reverends aren't supposed to, he didn't know why but he knew it wasn't "right".

-That's right, but even I didn't know, it's a weird story. We'll explain it to you when you're older, but trust me it I never intended to have a kid.

-But God did! - Orel replied right back at Putty.

-You're all right kid, keep it a secret though, I assure you it's a weird situation.

-Ok Stephanie, I won't, I know you wouldn't lie to me.

-Thanks Orel. You can come by anytime you need.

-Hey, hey! I don't know if anytime is- - Putty said trying to interrupt Stephanie.

-Anytime. And you can visit me in my store too! That's where I'm usually at anyways.

-Thanks Stephanie, thanks reverend, I will.

After almost an hour Orel decided it was time to go home, he promptly left and headed home with his conscience a whole lot lighter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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