"I'm getting used to the cold, it's no longer enough to keep me in bed any longer than it already has. Besides, today's the Grand Prix finals, I can't afford to lose a minute of preparation for it."

I squeaked when his arms suddenly wrapped around me from behind, pulling me back to his chest as he tightened the hug, his head coming down to nuzzle the crook of my neck.

"What are you doing?" I whispered, not daring to elevate my voice in case any embarrassing squeaks somehow manage to escape.

"Cherishing every moment that I can with you. Don't worry about your competition today, I'm certain that you'll do amazing," Whether he meant what he said or not didn't matter, I believed him nonetheless. Despite not being in the best condition, I was confident about today's routine, and it wasn't just confidence, but excitement too.

"Whatever you say," I sighed, accidentally letting a small smile slip through, and noticing this, he leaned down, pecking my forehead as I squeezed my eyes shut, not having expected it. "I need to go to practice now. The match starts at 1,"

"I'll be there at 1 then, right at the front of the audience," His voice assured.

"I didn't tell you expecting you to come. I just said it..." I mumbled, not being able to look him in the eyes as he chuckled, moving to hug me again.

"Does that mean you don't want me there?"

"I don't particularly mind. Do whatever you want,"

"I'll do whatever I want then," Finally, I was able to look him in the eyes, and he looked like he was waiting for that. But, not being able to say anything, I nodded my head, watching as his smile grew into a grin.

"You're too cute, Dahlia," I didn't have time to react as he pulled me in for another hug, ruffling my head while showering me with kisses as he did. If he caught me off guard before, I don't know what to say this time.

If he carries on like this, then I think I might accidentally end up falling for him before he falls for me, and what am I supposed to do in that sort of situation? That'll be two times in a row.

"Alright, alright. That's enough," Flustered, I pulled away from him, fanning the blush away as I raised a hand to point to the door of the closet. "You can go now. I need to get dressed,"

"Alright," He sighed, running a hand through his hair, and I watched as he left the room, quickly going to close the door behind him before leaning against it myself, trying to calm down the fluster of nervous butterflies in my stomach.

"Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. What am I going to do?" I whispered, running a hand down my face while I tried to calm the wild beating of my heart. What if I fall in love with him again, but then he realises that he sees me as nothing but a friend? What am I supposed to do then?

Is my fear or excitement more prominent right now? Am I willing to risk falling in love with the same man again? Right now... There are too many complex thoughts in my head.

But now isn't the time for those thoughts, I have a more pressing matter to attend to. It's the finale for the Grand Prix today, I won the Rostelecom cup, but it's not enough. I want to impress my mother; I'm going to show her, and the rest of the world, just how far I've come as a figure skater by winning the Grand Prix for the third year in a row.

Right, I'll deal with my love life later.

So, silently, I stood up straight, and got changed into my uniform. Absentmindedly, I drifted through the beginning of the day until Isaac came to pick me up as he usually did before any of my matches, and drove both me and Daniel to the arena.

The Indifference of a Man Forgotten (BOOK I)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें