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(That's me ^ no I'm not a guy I swear)

Hello! Again this is my first ever fanfiction.

I've written plenty of stories before but they were mostly kept to myself, I just really love writing but have never been compelled to write something publicly. Till now!

I've read many Wenclair stories and many tiktok videos about fanart. My goal here is to make this story as realistic to the characters from the show as I can. We will see how that goes.

I do 100% think Wednesday has a sofr spot for Enid, but she'd be damned if anyone knew, but I do not believe she'd be afraid to say what she feels. As per the show and the balcony scene, Wednesday is not afraid of caring for people.

As far where this story begins, it starts the day after the hug scene. Pretending they don't all leave and the semester isn't over.

I'm thinking of playing this story out in an odd way, depending on how people react. I want to begin in Wednesday's POV and then Enid's and possibly some others. Mostly because I know they see things so differently it could help to understand perspectives.

I also just love that in every story Yoko has Enid's back and is the #1 Wenclair shipper so. I almost want to make a separate story of just Yoko and her pushing them together. We will see though.

I'm hoping to post the very first chapter tonight if I can figure out how Wattpad works!

- And please, as this is my first works. Comments and ideas are lovely.

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