Cry at her helplessness.

She threw a vase down from the adjoining table, the glass shattering on impact.

Lucy screamed in anguish, a broken sob raking her body as she threw away the table, internally thankful for the silencing spell on her room.

"Why dad? Why?!" she screamed, breaking herself with a sob as she collapsed onto the floor. "Why again?"

"Why do you have to ruin my life every damn time?! Why can't you see me happy? Why? WHY?!" she banged her head in the cupboard, wrapping her arms around her knees. "First you kill Kerem, now Brie? Why dad, why do you do it every time? I thought you'd never hurt a child! How could you stoop down so low? How? How could you kill such a small child? Didn't you feel any remorse while doing so? What the hell about your oath of never hurting a child?!"

"And what the fuck do you mean 'even if you'd fail, we have a long list of your loved ones'?" she asked to the thin air. "Now you would kill everyone I love?! Why don't you just sacrifice yourself if you love Steve so much?!!"

"No, no," she wiped harshly at her cheeks, "I won't let you harm anyone else. I won't. I'll hide. I'll put so many cloaking spells that you will never find us!"

"But, but," she whispered, deflating, "you find me every time. You break through each spell I do. Fuck. I hate you so much! I hate you!"

"And I will not let you harm anyone else. I won't let you sacrifice Nik." she said with determination.

"I won't. Even if..." she began to cry again. "...even if I will have to stay away from him. I won't let you sacrifice him too. I won't."

"I'm sorry, Nik. I'm so sorry." Lucy coaxed out along with a broken sob. "I'm sorry for everything."

Lucy scrambled up, wiping her tears, as she ruffled through pages in the bedside table's drawer, bringing out a parchment and pen and beginning to write.

Dear Nik,
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry but I'll have to do this. I have to stop being so selfish and risking your life.

My father is a monster. He will do anything to hurt me under the name of bringing Steve back. He sacrificed Brie on that so-called altar of his. But I won't let him sacrifice you too.

Maybe you'd laugh reading this letter and say 'I'm the Original. I can't be killed.', but Richard is a witch. He could make anything possible. Hell, he might even grow white oak from dark magic even if it meant giving in return something big.

And trust me when I say this, he was thrilled to see that you mean something to me. An Original for sacrifice would be his best treat.

I know that you might hate me after this, hell, I know you will hate me for this. But, please try to understand, I can't be so selfish to risk your life because I love you so much, Nik.

And I hate it that you'll have to know of all this through this letter. But I know I would never be able to do this if I look you into the eye. God, how much I wish I could hug you, hold you, kiss you one last time, but I know that if I'll look into those eyes of yours, I'll grow weak and I will grow selfish. But I can't do that, for you, for I love you so much that I would rather spend an eternity away from you than risk your life.

I hope you'll forgive me for this one day.

Love is a sin for me, I've understood now. Everyone I touch will be ruined and snatched away from me. So, I'll live the rest of my life with your memories, but please don't wait for me. Enjoy your life, maybe find someone wonderful too. But please forgive me someday.

¹REDEMPTION ❥ klaus mikaelsonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن