Total Drama idea 1 "Noha's Total Drama" - Season 1 #1

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fem Noah + male Heather

General Notes

§ 8 older siblings (5 brothers; 3 sisters)

o Taught her a thing or two + how to defend when attacked, etc.

o Siblings (age) + sport

1. M; Connor (25) + Ice Hokey

2. M; Logan (22) + tennis

3. F; Adla* (22) + soccor & pakour [*justice]

4. M; Raed* (21) + Football & Boxing [*Thunder]

5. M; Jamal* (20) + Swimming & Free Climing/Mountaineering

6. M; Hunter (19) + baseball & mountain bike

7. F; Isla (17) + Cheerleading & Ballet

8. F; Violet (17) + figure skating & ballet

9. F; Noha (15) + no #protagonist

Family photo of the children (taken shortly before the first season):

§ Has worldwide relatives (grandparents from Arabia (has appearance) | uncle/aunt from Germany) + parents have Chinese business partners who love original Chinese street food

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§ Has worldwide relatives (grandparents from Arabia (has appearance) | uncle/aunt from Germany) + parents have Chinese business partners who love original Chinese street food

§ Has a high IQ (180) --> was able to learn languages ​​quickly if they interested her (French, English, German, Arabic, Latin, Chinese/Mandarin)

§ Confessional

o Paraphrase as just does when not challenging

o Cuts as in series when challenge

§ Siblings going to college, Noha has his sights set on university (for computer engineering/computer science) à Reason why needs more money

o dream college is Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada | Master's degree: $CAD 19,171 --> Parents saved each child $3,000 in college money

§ Is in junior high school at age 10 (same year/class as older sisters); is 12 when her prank is played; Graduated from high school at 14 (skipped 1 grade) --> Cannot continue studying due to young age (has scholarships)

§ Lives near the US border; Minesota; International Falls (have relatives there): at Fort Frances; ontario

Season specific notes

§ Books Noha reads:

o The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

o Miss Marple series by Agata Cristie

o The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman

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