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Only about 30 seconds after Eric left my body he commanded that everyone had to stop punching on the bags and surround him quickly. His voice didn't seem like he wanted to be waiting around anyway.

"Listen up, do you know what this board is? After every test, fight, and day we will grade you. This is your life. You see this red line?" He looked around seeing a few nods from some people "if you're still in the red by the end of the first stage, you're out!" At the moment I was just above the red line on 19. Seeing as we haven't done anything yet I'm okay with that but deeply I am quite nervous as I am so close to being in the red. If I was 3 places down I would be panicking like crazy right now.


"First jumper in the ring! Last jumper. Time to fight." I didn't quite understand what Eric was saying at first. Looking around I caught eyes with the person next to me, tris, telling me to go up on the elevated platform to 'fight'.

I wasn't that worried about it until I found out who I was up against...


I'm not being horrible of anything but she is like 4 times the size of me and like a foot taller. There is no chance of me fighting her and winning. Absolutely none.

"How long do we fight for?" Molly asked aiming it at Eric or Four.
"Until one of you can't continue-"
"Or until one of you concedes." Four then interrupted
"That according to the old rules, new rules no conceding."

I looked at Molly and she stared back at me hard. Almost in sync we both put our hands up at the same time. Guarding our faces. We both walked around the square on our tiptoes until she decides to move forward lunging Infront of me. When she swings for my face I duck down but then she hooks my stomach whilst I'm still down. Stumbling I begin to regain my balance. Focusing my eyes on Molly I then again waited for her to strike, then I swiftly moved out of the way making me behind her grabbing on to her neck in between my arms having her in a head lock, which was making her bend her back. She struggles to get out of my grip and with my free hand I start to punch her face, continuously her face getting red flushed. And slowly a trickle of warm red liquid started flowing down from her nose down to her neck and on my arm. With this she grabbed hold of my that was wrapped round her neck and began tugging hard on it creating a big hand mark on my arm. Trying to tear my arm from her neck it was obvious that she was struggling much more now, clearly unable to get oxygen in her but that didn't stop me still punching her face and blood still dripping down. "Stop! I've seen enough." Eric announced telling me to let go. Which is what I did straight away. I wasn't quite sure what we were meant to do now so I just walked back down to meet tris and Christina.

"Oh my god Imogen you were so good! How on earth did you do that! Especially with Molly!" Christina said basically jumping in my arms hugging me.
"I have no idea Chris' I'm just as surprised as you."
"You did so well ims" tris then also said.
"Thank you guys, but you two will do just as well I can guarantee."

Well turns out I was quite wrong.


Tris got slammed in the head multiple times and had to have an ice pack and sit out for the rest of that day. But oh I feel so bad about Christina she was up against Molly like I was. But she got seriously beaten up her hair was everywhere her face dripping in blood and she was dragging her self along the floor. She was begging for the fight to stop "I'm done! I'm done."
"You need to stop?" Eric looked at Christina waiting for her to confirm that she wanted the fight to end. She nodded her head and Eric then said "okay. Let me give you a hand." Christina looked at him puzzled by his unusual act of kindness but after a second or two took his hand and he helped her up. I don't know what but I felt uneasy how he's treating her.

"Right everyone let's take a break!" Eric announced "follow me!" Everyone stopped what they were doing and quickly formed up behind Eric and Christina. He started walking down and we all followed. Eric had placed his hand on Christina's waist which for some reason made me kind of angry because he touched me there. Only me but I'm guessing he does that to everyone.


I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry I haven't posted in literary 2 months pinky promise I am going to update regularly!!!!
Loves you all lots please vote and comment your ideas and what not xxxx

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