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"No! Please stay away! Stay away from me. Stop!" I had cried out but in the lonely and dimly lit alleyway no one other than the hooded man infront could here me. "Please don't hurt me," I was pleading out to him "Please leave me alone I haven't done anything!".

There was no hope in him going away anytime soon, so I held my arms up to my face to give me a bit of protection, and closed my eyes from fear of what he might do.

His pal grabbed hold of my arm and the man used his fingers to snake up and around my arm, my breath becoming static my heart was clearly trying to bounce out of my chest. The grasp this man has was agonisingly painful.

Just as I opened my eyes he pulled out something from his pocket and-


- "Everybody get up right now! In the training room 15 minutes. Don't be late!"

I woke from my nightmare, I have been having a lot especially recently, and I was covered in sweat I wiped a drop that was falling down my face and had a deep breath calming me down a little bit. I immediately started getting changed as I don't want to be late for my first day in actual training, well I never want to be late for training but mostly not on the first day.

When I was finished getting ready I waited for Christina and tris so we could all wake together seeing as I had a couple minutes to spare.


Walking in there were about 3 other people already in the room not including Four and Eric. Four was speaking to Eric and as we walked in both Eric and Four's eyes came across our little trio but only Eric's eyes stayed on us or should I say me. I don't want to assume or anything but I think we might have been making eye contact the whole 5 seconds we'd been in the room. And yeah I know 5 seconds is barely anything but when you're basically in a staring competition it is an extremely long time.

Finally us 3 stopped to a halt when we made it to the other initiates I dropped the eye contact with Eric. It seemed like he was trying to intimidate me and to be honest it worked.

Soon enough the rest of the initiates started to arrive in this gigantic room. Like it was take you like 2 minutes to run from one side of the room fo the other, that's how huge it is. Anyways Four started talking about what we were doing In here and that we will be fighting each other and the whole points system and if your in the bottom tier you get thrown out, that really scared me because I don't want to become faction-less. Whilst Four was explaining this I can't help but feel a pair of cold light blue eyes piercing through me.

"Right come on initiates let's get moving! Start by running round this entire place 3 times if I hear any moaning I won't hesitate to make it more!" Eric said breaking his gaze on me to everyone else.

I do a very quiet sigh in fear of him heading me, which I'm guessing he thankfully didn't as he didnt say anything else after that.

Unfortunately running is not my strong point and especially with the amount that we have to run I am surely going to pass out when I'm done.

We go round twice then Four joins the people in front and Eric joins the people at that back of the group. As of my terrible running skills I was near the back but in glad not at the very back like Christina.

As we were coming to the end of our third lap Eric started shouting at us saying that if we don't pick up the pace he's gonna make us do another lap so, I lust up the little to none energy that I have left and start running much faster because you know what I've ran nearly 3 times round this hellishly big place I don't want to do it again.


"Right we are going to teach you how to defend your self, and to attack if and when it is needed!" Eric had said making us all look in his direction. He asked Four to stand opposite him so he could demonstrate to all of us how to punch and how to block one, in various different ways. The way his arm muscles moved with his body so smooth and swiftly looked so good and that way they tense up whilst he's blocking a punch is 100 times better.

"Go off and practice with a partner," he then said after he finished showing us what to do "me and Four will be round helping you if you need it."

I went to go with either tris or Christina but they had decided to go together and unfortunately Will and Al chose to go together so I was all on my own and that meant that I had to go with Molly. Shes a very tall girl, and has quite broad shoulders which made her look even more frightening her face was plastered with a piercing look of disgust on her face. Which she had on most of the time that we've been at dauntless for.

We both start going slow and not really putting much effort into our punches and blocks, but we gradually picked up the pace and started striking at each other harder and harder. I actually think that Molly is a good partner to be training with because I can actually learn how to do the moves properly on her and I won't feel as bad If I accidentally hurt her whilst doing it because it's not like we are friends or anything.

We had been doing this for a good 15 minutes now and Eric interrupted everyone by saying "everyone stop what your doing." In almost synchronisation we all stopped what we were doing and turned around to face him
"Each of you are going to continue on a punching bag to yourself." Four added.


It has been a good 25 minutes ish since we started using the punching bags. And in that time Four came and checked that we were punching correctly. When he stopped at me he didn't really do much he just looked and nodded. Which I'm taking as a compliment.

As I thought all was going well Eric came up behind me "No. No. No."
"What is it?" I asked him
"You're doing it all wrong. Look"
And with that he slid his hands around my waist positioning me at a more side on stance with him pressed up against me. He traced one of his hands to my left arm and kept the other still on my hip. Grasping my hand making it into a more tensed up fist. And then got his other hand to my right arm, bringing it up to my cheek I'm guessing to use it as a defensive technique. Still having his body pressed up against mine. I can feel his dick almost pulsing through his thick black jeans I got tingles all through my body by the way he's caging me in his arms, with the obvious bulge forming downstairs, his touch intoxicating me, making my breathing become heavier and heavier.

"You got that, initiate?" Eric said in a sarcastic tone.
"Yes thank you." And with that he left me hanging. His touch leaving my body with out a single second to spare. Oh how I wish I could feel him again.


Did you miss me?? Oh wait ofc you did 🫶. Ngllll I love the ending. Eric is just so Leng.
Anyways sorry I haven't been writing but I hope the longer chapter makes up for it and I gave you all a little treat at the end so yw and I finished this on Christmas!!!!!xx
Trust me this is nothing yet.
But make sure you tell me your ideas if you have any and pls pls pls vote. I appreciate you all ❤️❤️

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