Always disappointing

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I was eight when I started to practice with a bow, at times I would go out to the forest and set up wood to aim at. My father, Jake sully came out with me this time, he sat on a tree trunk observing me. I held back the bow string and with a quick "Snap" the arrow went flying through the air and straight through the middle of the wood. With a cheer I turned to my father who held a bright smile. "Daddy did you see that, did you see that, I got it right through the middle". I excitedly cheered, jumping around, soon calming down as I stood in front of him. "I saw it, you're gonna be a great warrior one day baby girl, I'm proud of you". He says giving me a quick peck on the head and grabbed his own bow to give it try.

That was the last time I heard my father say those words to me. But they stuck to me, everyday and still currently to this day now that I'm 15, I still tried hard to hear those words again. Especially after the sky people came.
We we're currently on a mission to destroy and intercept a train that the sky people had sent out, filled with supplies of weaponry and god knows what.
I was with my mother, she trained me hard everyday since the sky people came and destroyed our home. This was my first mission and I was actually in the action while my brothers were spotters. They always complained about how it was unfair, I had to admit it slightly was but I was trained hard for this day, I can not give it up and cower while my people fight and risk their lives. Once we're heard my father over the radio, send out a message to engage, instantly the ground team blew up the train track and me and my mother worked on destroying the air crafts. I flew my Ikran Sephara overhead of the aircraft and shot the demon inside and then the engine, exactly how my mother taught me and told me too. Me and her let out a war cry and happy cheer once we shot them all down. "Come on people two minutes". That was the exact amount of time we had before back up would come. In the distances I saw my brothers fly down to where the grounds team was collecting the supplies of the train. I change course, leaving my mother with a confused expression. "Navita!". I heard my mother call sternly. I land my Ikran close to Neteyams. "What are you two doing down here, you're meant to be spotters". I scold them both, not knowing that my father was watching us from his spot. "We're warriors, we deserve to be here". Lo'ak answers. "You two are going to get us all killed, you're meant to look out for the other airships inbound". I argue. Just as those words left my mouth an Enemy airship, was flying towards us. "Run!". I quickly say pushing them to get out of the way. It was too late though, the missile hit close, I pushed Lo'ak out of the way and grabbed Neteyam to cover him. I hissed when I felt a stinging pain from something slicing my back. We landed with a thud, my head hitting the rumble underneath us hard. My arms had let go of Neteyam at this point and he rolled across the rumble.
Neteyam shot up instantly once he saw his sister on the ground. His father had caught up to them and looked over at Neteyam to see if he was hurt, once he saw he was alright he quickly scolded him. "What are you doing here boy!". "I'm sorry sir". He quickly apologised. Jake lifted Navita up and shook her head lightly to see if she awake. Once she did he let out a sigh of relief and scolded her the same way he did Neteyam. "You're meant to be with your mother Navita!". He quickly grabs ahold of her and pushed Neteyam to get on his Ikran with Navita and get back to home base.
I had gained more consciousness once we landed at base, I groaned in pain and jumped of Neteyams Ikran with his help. "Can you stand?". He asked. I just nod my head not being able to get my voice to speak due to the dizziness. "What do you three knuckleheads think you were doing down there, You two are meant to be spotters, Navita you're meant to be with your mother". My fathers angrily said. "I let you three geniuses fly a mission and you disobey direct orders". He continued "Kiri can you go help your grandmother with the wounded please". My father ask her nicely but with a little stern in his tone. "My sister is injured". She replies, grabbing ahold of my arm and inspecting my injuries as well as Tuk. "I'm fine Kiri, take Tuk go, I'll come soon". I reassure, gently taking her hand off mine and guiding her to Tuk. "Sir I take full responsibility". Neteyam says taking the blame, I know it was Lo'ak's idea. "That's right you do, cause you're the older brother, you have to act like it". Dad shoots back. "Navita, instead of standing there in silence do you have anything to say". He growls. "I'm sorry Da-sir for disobeying direct orders". Dad just shakes his in disappointment. "Ma Jake, your daughter is actually bleeding". Mama says laying a hand on my shoulder. "Mama it's fine, I'm sorry also for leaving you". I apologise. "As you should be and you adress her as Ma'am". My father says to me sternly until mama cuts in. "You have nothing to be sorry for Ma Navita you were only protecting your brothers". She says while staring at dad intensely. "Navita, Neteyam go your dismissed". He says shooing me and Neteyam off, still growling Lo'ak for his actions. I walked in silence to the tent, my grandmother, Mo at, grabbed me and inspected my injuries. "Oh Navita, come quickly, you are losing a lot of blood, why didn't you come sooner". She frantically says. "Dad was scolding us". I simply say in huff. "Your father is just teaching, making sure you know what is right and wrong". Grandmother reassures. I answer with a quiet hum. My mind was so preoccupied that I didn't feel the pain when they tended to the wound. Once they had fixed me up I went for a walk. Once I got far enough I went to a special place. There the wood that I had shot an arrow through the middle, stood on the other side of the small river. The tree trunk that my father use to sit on was still the same. I swam down, following the path of the small cave tunnel to the other side of the hill, once I reached the other side I swam up and found myself in my special place. It was a small cave like place, with beautiful glowing leaves and vines surrounding the place, I had small hand made shelf's hanging on the cave walls, holding small collectibles and stuff I found when I went out to forbidden places, like the battle field, at the old shack, I found some of dads blog tapes. I also found this tape recorder, at times I would use it to take small blog tapes like my dad did. I sat there for awhile, until the eclipse was nearly about to come. I got up and swam back out to the other side. I could hear mum and dad talking just outside of the hut. "Your daughter and sons live up to Jake, it is very hard on them". It was mama, she was speaking to dad about us. "I know". Is all he said coldly. "You are very hard on them". Mama emphasis on you. "I'm their father I have to be". He says. "This isn't a squad it's a family". She says firmly. This time when my dad spoke I could actually hear the pain in my dads voice. "I thought we lost them, I thought I lost my baby girl". I lean my head back trying to hold the tears in. I head into the hut joining into the conversation that my siblings and spider were talking about. "That's gonna leave a wicked scar". Spider says with awestruck eyes looking at the deep slash on my back. "Be a pretty good story too, I saved my two idiotic brothers from a missile". Spider laughs and starts teasing my two brothers and they just glare at me. Once night fell me and family fell asleep, I had Tuk wrapped closely to me, she had awoken that night, saying that something bad happened to me in her dream. Thinking nothing of it I told her sweetly that it was just a dream and she fell back asleep soundly, me not to far behind.

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